College Life

10 Things I Wish Someone Taught Me Before Going To College

I was the type of person who flew into college just wanting to escape high…

Living in a dorm can be more costly than you'd think; but the good news is, there are many simple ways to save money by making your own DIY dorm room items!
5 DIY Dorm Room Items

Living in a college dorm can be more costly than you would think. Constantly paying…

10 Tips For Surviving College As An Introvert

Surviving college is a hard enough; when you add in surviving college as an introvert, the…

10 Things To Do Before Applying To Graduate School

First of all, congratulations on achieving that bachelor’s degree (and keep going if you’re almost…

10 Tips On How To NOT Black Out

We have all heard the phrase “college is the best four years of your life.”…

20 Signs You Go To UCLA

Keep reading for 20 signs you go to UCLA! 1. Your calves are gorgeous because…

20 Signs You’re in Zeta Phi Kappa

1. You own at least one key necklace. 2. You have more clothes with…

10 Dorm Hacks To Keep Your Room Organized

1. Mark down things to remember on a DIY dry erase board. DIY dorm hacks are…

10 Things All College Students Need To Know About Sex

As humans we are biologically predisposed to sex, whether it’s for purposes of procreation or…

10 Tips to Manage Your Time In College

1. Make sure you love the things you’re doing. Everything you do shows a little…