College Life

What NOT To Do At Your First College Party

I’m going to tell you all a story about this stupid freshman who got really…

The 10 Best Conspiracy Theories That Will Make You Doubt Everything
20 Thoughts Everyone Has During Finals Week

FinalsĀ are coming and will be here before you know it! That’s right, the most dreadful…

7 Delicious On-The-Go Breakfast Recipes for Students

Whether you commute or live on campus, there is one thing we all need to…

15 Times Teen Wolf Summed Up College Life

If you’re someone who’s attempting to study for exams, deal with your roomie, find enough…

The Ultimate Guide To Netflix And Chill

What is Netflix and chill? Well, according to Urban Dictionary, it means, “that you are…

Let's face it: we don't eat to survive, we survive to eat. Keep reading for 9 surefire signs that you are obsessed with food!
9 Signs You’re Obsessed With Food

Let’s face it: we don’t eat to survive, we survive to eat. Keep reading for…

5 Steps To A Successful Roommate Agreement

Sit down and listen up as I give you the low down on what is…

10 Books To Read If You’re Stressed Out

Reading. It sounds like the complete opposite of what you should do to de-stress. After…

Classes and finals can be overwhelming, but with just a few tips you can start to ease any stress. Here are 5 study tips for Cornell students.
5 Study Tips For Cornell Students

Cornell students know how overwhelming classes and finals can be, but with just a few…

10 Times New Girl Summed Up College Life

With their crazy antics, the stars of New Girl can seriously relate to ourĀ life in…