College Life

We'll help you cope with how to deal when you feel out of place in your sorority, or if you have concerns, struggles or problems within your Greek life.
How To Deal When You Feel Out Of Place In Your Sorority

One of the big reasons often given for why women should go through recruitment is…

If you went through recruitment and accepted your bid, you're going to agree that this is exactly why your sorority sisters are the best kind of friends.
10 Reasons Why Your Sorority Sisters Are The Best Kind Of Friends

It happened. Whether you want to admit it or not, you joined a sorority and…

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Southern Methodist University
20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Southern Methodist University

When I first started college, I didn’t know what to expect. You never really know…

Choosing a major can be one of the biggest challenges about your college experience. Here are hard questions to ask before choosing a major.
10 Hard Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Choosing A Major

Yes, I am only a freshman at Northern Kentucky University. I have switched my major…

Have you ever wanted to keep a diary or planner? Here are some of the reasons why bullet journals are literally the best thing to ever happen to you.
Why Bullet Journals Are The Best Thing To Ever Happen To You

Have you ever wanted to keep a diary or planner but didn’t know where to…

After high school, you have several decisions to make. Here are a couple things you should know before the start of your freshman year in college.
What Every High Schooler Should Know Before College

High school.  You may love it or you may hate it.  After high school, you…

The best sex positions to have amazing orgasms! If you're looking for the best sex position for her, these are the best sex positions for orgasms.
20 Best Sex Positions To Have Amazing Orgasms

Below are the 20 best sex positions to have a good time with your guy…

How To Decorate Your Dorm Room On A Budget

Going to college is expensive and there is no reason you should spend hundreds on…

Graduation brings on a roller coaster of emotion from excitement to fear of what's to come. These graduation songs will definitely have you in the feels!
20 Graduation Songs Guaranteed To Make You An Emotional Mess

Graduation is an emotional time, marking the end of a phase in our lives and…