College Life

10 Signs You’re Not a Freshman Anymore

Because sometimes we need a little reminder about how much we’ve changed since the first…

20 People Who Have a Worse Roommate Than You Do

Have you ever wondered if your roommate is really all that bad? For some people,…

Enter To Win The Ultimate College Bundle

Win an $500 Shopping Spree at Missguided + A Lenovo Laptop!   *By entering…

Rumors circulating our campus range from unbelievably scandalous to downright bizarre. Here are things that ACTUALLY happen during USC Sorority Rush!
10 Things That Actually Happen During USC Sorority Rush

What REALLY happens during USC Sorority Rush? Come the first days of fall semester, the rumors…

15 Things Incoming Freshmen NEED To Hear

As a sophomore in college (I guess I’m getting pretty old, huh??) I have some…

College Class Checklist

So you’re heading off to your first semester of freshman year. You’ve got your brand…