College Life

9 Tips For How To Get An A In College

By this point of the semester, all of you freshmen have probably settled in to…

20 Thoughts Every College Student Has During Their 8 AM Class

Even though a million people told you not to do it, somehow you ended up…
30 Life Hacks All College Students NEED to Know

Life hacks, things make your life easier that our editors compiled just for you. Being…

5 Steps To Take If You’re Failing A College Class

Feel like you’re failing a college course? Don’t know what to do? Are you struggling to…

Are you stuck wondering where to take them or what to your parents? Don't worry! Keep reading for 7 things to do with your parents in Los Angeles.
7 Things To Do With Your Parents In Los Angeles

USC is known for its prime location in LA, this means when your parents come…

20 Hilarious Tweets Only A Broke College Student Can Relate To

Ahh college, the best time to find yourself as a person while you work towards…

How To (Politely) Ask Your Professor To Change Your Grade

College is hard. Receiving poor grades that you don’t feel you deserve? That’s even harder.…

6 Feelings Only Students Working In College Can Relate To

Everyone’s going to have a job at one point in their life and it’s always…