College Life

Here are some things we as students wish our professors understood. We learn from them and are eternally grateful for their support and college education.
What Students Wish Their Professors Understood

College is a place in which students undergo a variety of learning experiences. However, the…

All biracial students can relate to these 15 things. If you are biracial you are fortune enough to experience multiple cultures. Being biracial is beautiful
15 Things All College Biracial Students Can Relate To

Being a biracial women in today’s society is thankfully easier than it must have been…

Folding chairs are perfect to store under your bed and pull out when people come to hangout. Here are 15 folding dorm chairs perfect for your small space!
15 Folding Dorm Chairs Perfect For A Small Space

Dorm rooms usually never come with seating other than your bed and a desk chair.…

These sexual health resources are crucial. You could always take the free sexual health test but here are some sex ed tips for safe sex in college. Sex up!
10 Sexual Health Resources All College Students Need To Know About

College can be a crazy time of self-discovery, but new friends and partners also mean…

It's going to get sloppy, it's going to get weird and it's all normal. Here are 10 reasons why sex in college is NOTHING like in the movies.
10 Reasons Why Sex In College Is Nothing Like The Movies

Any movie or show you watch that shows incredible, intense sex in college is completely…

Being waitlisted may feel like the end of the world, but it isn't. Here is exactly what you need to do after you've been waitlisted at your top school!
What To Do If You Get Waitlisted At Your Top School

After applying to all of your top colleges, your number one school gets back to…

If you've got a fake id you know these struggles! Having a fake ID can be risky business cause people can often figure out what a fake ID is!
The 10 Struggles Of Having A Fake ID

Let’s start off with my own personal yet embarrassing story of my fake ID getting taken. I…

Let's face it, dorm rooms aren't the biggest spaces. Here are 20 dorm room decorating tips to make your room feel bigger!
20 Dorm Room Decorating Tips To Make Your Room Feel Bigger

Adjusting to college can be tough but when you have to downsize to a room…

From love songs to inspiring songs, country music can get you through anything. Here is the country song playlist you need to help you through the semester!
The Country Song Playlist You Need For This Semester

Lately, I’ve been struggling to get used to this new semester from moving into my…

These campus ghost stories are chilling. These famous haunted campuses have serious scary stories to tell. Good-lick reading these famous scary stories!
6 Campus Ghost Stories That Will Give You Chills

With Halloween just around the corner, everyone is getting excited for Pumpkin Spice, Costumes, and…