College Life

If you're a college student interested in studying abroad, read this article that tells you the best cities in Europe for college students.
The 10 Best Cities In Europe For College Students

Travel as much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you…

If your roommate is dealing with mental illness, then there's a multitude of ways that you can help and be supportive. This is how to help a mentally ill person, as well as learn how to live with them.
10 Ways To Help A Roommate Dealing With Mental Illness

Mental Illness is a tricky topic for people to understand. However, I feel a person…

10 Things You Will Miss When You Leave for College

Leaving for college is undoubtedly something to be excited about. It isn’t until move-in that…

The best part about college spring break is being able to go on a spring break cruise with friends. There are so many deals for cheap spring break cruises to choose from with awesome parties.
5 Reasons You Need To Go On A Spring Break Cruise

Your last class is complete; school’s out for the week and spring break is finally…

If you've got a college spring break week coming up, here are the top 10 spring break destinations to go to! These best spring break locations are ideal for college students who want to save money and party hard!
The Top 10 Spring Break Destinations For College Students

The time will be upon us sooner than you know…yes, I’m talking about SPRING BREAK. If…

These alternative spring break ideas for college students are great options that are cheap, affordable or free and totally fun! From road trips to sight seeing new locations, these are the best ideas for college students besides spring break destinations and vacations!
10 Alternative Spring Break Ideas For College Students

While living it up and partying on a tropical beach with a huge group of…

If you're looking for some college apartment decorating ideas, then these photos showcase the best decor for a college student's first apartment! Spice up your living room, bedroom, or even dorm room with these cute designs!
15 College Apartment Decorating Ideas You Need To Copy

For those of you looking to get the hell out of your dorms next year,…

How To Prepare For Spring Break

It may still be 30 degrees outside and smack dab in the middle of winter,…

There are specific signs you act like a grandma in college. If you are someone body who likes spending time indoors rather than going out to party, you are a college grandma. Find out the signs you are a college grandma.
10 Signs You Act Like A Grandma In College

Being a grandma doesn’t automatically mean you are elderly. Being an OG grandma is a…

Being yourself is important; here's why these reasons to be yourself in college are so crucial. Find out why you need to be your authentic self and allow your sincerity to shine through. Be yourself!
5 Reasons To Be Yourself At A Big University

Just about anyone who’s gone to college will testify to the fact that it’s the…