College Life

College is great, but many activities end up involving alcohol, and lots of it. If you are looking for something to do that doesn't involve a keg and cheap beer, here are my suggestions of activities for college students.
10 Weekend Activities For College Students That Don’t Involve A Keg

College can be a blast with themed parties for every day of the week and keggers every time…

Being a teacher's pet comes with a negative connotation, but it really isn't such a bad thing. Being a teacher's pet can lead to some great opportunities. Here's why being a teacher's pet helped me succeed.
Here’s Why Being A Teacher’s Pet Helped Me To Succeed

Teacher’s pet. I am pretty sure I have some PTSD from the number of times that…

Studying Abroad is arguably one of the most influential experiences one can have in college, and if you have the opportunity to do so, you should take it. There are so many amazing cities to visit while you are there, so here is a list of 10 of the best cities to visit as a study abroad student!
10 Of The Best Cities To Visit As A Study Abroad Student

Studying Abroad is arguably one of the most influential experiences one can have in college,…

20 Signs You Grew Up in Athens

When a college town is your hometown, growing up is a little different. For example,…

Living on a student budget plan can be very difficult, but there are ways to indulge while still watching what you spend.
10 Ways To Indulge On A Student Budget Plan

If you’re a student, you understand the universal feeling that starts to peek its head…

Your Guide To Picking The BEST Laptop For College

These days, it’s impossible to function without our crucial technologies – phones, TVs, computers, you…

31 Secret Student Discounts You Absolutely Need To Know

Ah, the life of a college student. Mostly fun, often tiring, always broke. But before you start…

15 Things You Need For Your College Dorm Room

With the school year winding down you will soon begin buying stuff for your college…

As you head off to college, it's important to remember to bring everything you'll need for your dorm room. These are the best small appliances for college.
21 Small Appliances For College You Wish You Packed

Going away to college is an exciting, nerve wracking, and adventurous time. Sometimes we get…

There's a lot of reasons to transfer, and a lot of questions to ask yourself before you decide to transfer.  If you are still questioning whether or not you should transfer consider these 10 reasons to transfer colleges.
10 Reasons To Transfer Colleges

Transferring is hard. There are lots of reasons not to transfer: bad roommates, bad food,…