College Life

Needing some food to nurse that hangover away and rally? Here are the five best restaurants in Charlottesville to help that headache!
5 Restaurants In Charlottesville That Will Cure Your Hangover

It’s a beautiful Saturday fall morning in Charlottesville. The sun is shining, everyone is finding…

Want to splurge on some new beauty products? Read this article to find some incredible things all from the same company - LUSH products!
10 LUSH Products Worth Breaking The Bank For

LUSH is a company that sells fresh, handmade cosmetics that are not only great for…

Are you about to attend CSUN orientation as an incoming freshman? Well, I've provided some helpful tips to make sure you have the best experience!
How To Have An Organized, Stress-Free, College Lifestyle

College can either feel like an academic nightmare or a tolerable breeze since you were…

Take a look at this list of reasons why SUNY Empire State College is the number one college on this earth. You need to visit!
20 Reasons Why Your SUNY Empire State College Is The Best School On Earth

When you choose a college I’m sure you go through a decision-making-process. A school has…

Everyone dreads gaining the inevitable freshman 15. Not everyone knows how simple it can be to avoid it. Here are some easy tips to avoid the freshman 15!
Ways To Defeat The Freshman 15

The college myth, the freshman legend, the calorie gainer phenomenon are some of the names…

Take a look at these true signs you go to BYU Idaho in the small town of Rexburg. There are many beautiful spots to be seen.
20 Signs You Go To BYU Idaho In The Town Of Rexburg

BYU-Idaho is a very unique school in a small Idaho town, and I should give…

Primark is a great place for buying cheap clothing, spending all of your money and inevitably running into these 10 people.
10 People You Will Always Run Into At Primark

Oh, Primark, with your bank like facade and messy dressing rooms. It’s like Walmart for…

If you love music and want to have a good time then you absolutely need to attend these music festivals before you graduate from college!
10 Music Festivals That You Must Go To Before You Graduate College

Music festivals are something that most people love. It may be because of the music,…

Every college student struggles with recklessly spending their money. Here's how to make a weekly budget in college and stick to it!
How To Make A Weekly Budget In College (And Stick To It)

Long story short, college is expensive. And not just the tuition either. I’m talking about…

Take a look at these signs you go to Miami University! Down in the sunshine state of Florida, Miami University never ever disappoints!
20 Signs You Go To Miami University That Will Give You All The Feels

Miami University definitely has a lot of stereotypes. Everyone is rich. Everyone is preppy. Everyone…