College Life

The Ultimate Guide To Mission Hill For Northeastern Students

Oh, Mission Hill. From your troupes of freshman strolling the streets at night to your…

CU Boulder has a reputation for being a party school, but this is what actually happens at freshman orientation at the University of Colorado at Boulder!
What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At The University of Colorado At Boulder

CU Boulder has a reputation for being a party school, despite how kickass we are…

15 Lasts You’ll Experience Senior Year

If you’re a senior in college, you’re wrapping up another chapter in your life and…

15 Struggles During Your Junior Year of College

Are you questioning what you should do with the rest of your life? Having what…

30 Amazon products for college students that will literally save your life! This makes a great checklist for all your college needs and necessities!
30 Amazon Products That Will Save Your Life In College

College can be tough. Luckily, there are so many Amazon products for college students that…

I made plenty of mistakes as a Georgia Tech freshman. From letting laundry pile up, to not going to the career fair, don't make the same mistakes I did!
20 Mistakes Every Georgia Tech Freshman Makes

Congrats! You’re a first year at one of the best and hardest schools in the…

15 Signs You’re Ready For Winter Break

Thanksgiving break is over and winter break seems to be right around the corner. But,…

5 Tips For Getting Through The End Of The Semester

It’s that time of the semester when professors are packing on exams, pushing papers down…

What I Want My Parents To Teach Me Before Leaving The Nest

So, the time has come. With your high school diploma in hand, you are officially…