College Life

A college senior has a lot of things to focus on between graduation, finding a job or internship, and still finishing school. Here are some tips to help!
Survival Tips For The College Senior

Every college senior is excited about the final year of long sleepless nights, endless procrastinating,…

Full Sail University offers its students a really unique experience. Here are 10 GIFs that describe what it's like to be a student there.
10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Full Sail University

Full Sail University isn’t like other, normal colleges. Geared toward the entertainment industry, Full Sail’s…

Suffolk University has a lot of great places to cry when you're just too stressed out to deal anymore. Here are some of those spots!
The Best Places To Cry At Suffolk University When You Just Can’t Deal Anymore

Back to school season means stress levels and responsibilities will skyrocket! College can be extremely…

Taking care of your mental health at university is more important than you realize. Here are some tips to help in taking care of yourself.
Looking After Your Mental Health At University

University can be the best time of your life, the freedom, the partying, the romance.…

Organizing apps can make the life of any college student so much easier. From easybib to dropbox, we have the organizing apps every student needs!
Great Organizing Apps For College Students

It’s almost that time again. Classes are starting up and before you know it you’ll…

There's so many ways to tell if your college roommate is your best friend. Check out these signs to see if you're on track to becoming BFFs !
20 Signs Your College Roommate Is Your Best Friend

There have always been horror stories floating around about terrible college roommates and the terrible…

Going to college in a big city has a lot of lessons to offer. This is what I learned from experiencing college life and city life all in one.
What Going To College In A Big City Taught Me

Going to a college with a big campus creates a different experience for its students.…

UC Irvine has had a countless number of movies filmed at certain locations around campus! We've listed some of them you may recognize!
Places At UC Irvine That Have Doubled As A Hollywood Film Set

Anteaters, you have been walking in the footsteps of film stars!! Have you always thought…

So, you want to write a romantic poem this Valentine's Day for your partner? Before you pick up your finest pen, check out these tips now to avoid sounding corny or creepy!
Tips For Writing Essays In College That Will Make Your Semester Bearable

Writing essays can be overwhelming, especially in college! Gone are the days of simple five-paragraph…

Here are all the novels every student should read before they graduate. These books are filled with lessons you need to learn.
Novels Every Student Should Read Before They Graduate

There are some books everyone should read before they die, this is a list of…