College Life

Starting an internship can greatly improve your chances of success. Find out how of this process can improve your future career!
Why You Should Do An Internship

An overwhelming amount of responsibility and work is an aspect of college life that all students share.…

When navigating through life it can be difficult to select the right friends. Here are some key components to think about when choosing the right friends!
How To Choose The Right Friends

People will come and go into your life no matter what stage you’re at. Some…

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Lasell College

Being a Lasell College student is a lot of hard work. You need to keep…

There are many positives and negatives of being an English Major. Find out all of the pros and cons within our article!
The Joys And Frustrations Of Being An English Major

After four years I finally graduated with an English Degree from Valdosta State University. It…

Deciding on a major for college will always be a life changing experience. Here are 10 reasons why I chose to be a sociology major!
10 Reasons Why I Chose To Be A Sociology Major

When I tell people I was a sociology major in college, they usually look at…

No matter where you're coming from, make sure to avoid these mistakes as a Valdosta State University freshmen!
20 Mistakes Every Valdosta State University Freshman Makes

So you’ve finally been accepted into Valdosta State University? Whether you’re traveling from overseas or…

These cute dorm rooms are the best! We all need a bit of change in the middle of the school year, here are some ways for you to change!
10 Cute Dorm Rooms That You Need To Copy This Semester

With a new semester about to begin it might be time to give your dorm…

Some experiences are signature for Syracuse University students. Here are 20 gifs of moments that show you bleed orange.
20 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Syracuse University

If there’s anything that ties us Syracuse University students together it’s the hell that is…

An example of Greek parties at historically black colleges and university based on the writers experience. Also defining the Divine 9 and the sororities and fraternities included.
I Went To My First College Greek Life Party And This Is What Happened

My introduction to Greek life; I can remember it like it was yesterday, the colors,…

Considering getting pets in college? Here's why you shouldn't purchase your furry friend while you're still just a student.
Open Letter To People Who Get Pets In College

To the college student who wants to get a pet, Yes, you. If your crippling…