College Life

Learn which late night snacks will help you get through the semester! From pizza to chips, discover some snacks that you can munch down on.
10 Studying Snacks That Will Make Those Late Nights Tolerable

Cramming for your next exam? Maybe you’re starting on that 3,500-word essay that’s due the…

The Emory Experience has so much to offer that it's hard to pick the best activities. If you're not sure how to make the most of your time in college, this article will give you some great suggestions on what not to miss out on!
12 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At Emory University

Now that I have been an Emory University graduate for eight months, I’ve had some…

Throw the best dorm party with this party play list! Its all about the music and with the right music playing, your dorm party is guaranteed to be a hit.
10 Songs To Play For Your Dorm Parties Everyone Will Love

The biggest thing everyone looks forward to in college is the dorm parties. Throwing a great…

Famous alumni's who have studied and attended at San Diego State University that you may not have known.
15 Famous Alumni From San Diego State University

San Diego State University is well-known for their business program and football team. Surprisingly, SDSU…

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To San Diego State University
5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To San Diego State University

I’m slowly finishing my last year at SDSU and I’m reflecting back on some memories…

You know you go to SDSU when you notice the following things we've listed here for you!
You Know You Go To San Diego State University When…

Every university is unique in their own ways, including San Diego State University. At SDSU…

School gets the best of us all sometimes, so we've compiled 10 great hacks to help you slay the next semester!
10 School Hacks To Slay The Next Semester

With the semester just having started, now is the time to get on top of…

College can open up a world of opportunities, but to be honest, college can be the absolute worst! Here are 10 reasons why it just might not be for you.
10 Reasons Why College Might Not Be For You

Your whole life you’re told go to college, get a degree, get a high paying…

This is a series of GIFS that depict common struggles of being a college student. This caters to NYU students.
10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What Its Actually Like To Be A Student At New York University

As college students we have some unique experiences but we also share the most outlandish…

The only thing better than going away to school is going with your best friend...right? Here are 15 signs that rooming with your hometown bestie was a big mistake.
15 Signs Rooming With Your Hometown Bestie Was A Big Mistake

Rooming with your hometown bestie sounds like a dream come true when it comes to…