College Life

Our Top Picks For Your New Beauty Additions For Starting College Again

The start of uni is looming over your (well deserved) summer holiday, but fret not…

5 Commuting Tips For Students

Commuting between school, work and home can be a hassle and time consuming for many…

Check Out These Stylish And Functional Backpacks

Choosing a backpack is one of the most exciting parts of a new school year.…

The Ultimate Guide To Acing A Difficult Class

It’s the first day of classes, and after aimlessly wandering around the building for 20…

7 Upcoming Video Games To Waste Time You Should Be Using To Study

Here are some of 2019’s upcoming video games that you’re going to want to check…

5 Apps To Help Keep You On Track For Studying

College students know that studying is essential to pass classes, but that doesn’t mean that…

Tips For When College Is Overwhelming You

College life can be challenging.  Juggling and trying to remain on top of your busy…

5 Ways To Make Your Dorm Room Feel Like Home
How To Handle Being Homesick Your First Week At College

Going to Uni/ College for the first time is super exciting, but it can also…

Essential Apps To Help You Study Foreign Language

With communities becoming more international and it isn’t unusual to hear foreign languages spoken. Whether…

5 People You’ll Definitely Meet Your First Week Of College

In your four or so years in college, you’re going to meet quite a few…