University fees are expensive enough as it is and while you’re trying to learn how…
Finals season is stressful, especially if you’re facing it the first time. It’s the final…
The first quarter or semester of college can be exciting but also scary. You’re moving…
Phrases such as ‘I’ll do it in an hour’ or ‘maybe tomorrow’ may sound familiar…
Going to college means living on your own and having to be accountable for your…
We have all been there. Our bank account says $2.36, we just got paid, and…
We’ve all been there, you get back from class and you feel like you might…
When returning to university in September, it can feel impossible to switch from endless free…
Packing for your first year of college is hard since you can’t quite be sure…
Do you hate missing out on activities? Have you heard about FOMO? People experience FOMO…