College Life

How to Have a Great First Day of School

As August is upon us and summer is quickly drifting away, this means only one…

10 Helpful Tips For Study Abroad

As the summer comes to a close, some of you might be getting ready to…

Self-Care Ideas For Midterm Season

While the academic rigor of college taxes students all semester, nothing heightens stress like midterm…

Tips for Freshman Girls Going to College

First of all, this is so exciting that you are starting the next chapter of…

How To Make The Most Of The Fall Celebrations This Semester

With its haunted hayrides, firewood scents and vivid leaves, fall may soon usurp summer as…

Tips For Staying Focused This Semester

Eager freshmen—cardboard boxes in hand, ready for a host of adventures—make their way to colleges’…

5 Real World Lessons You’ll Learn in College

Real friends are counted on one hand Your time in college will teach you a…

What To Think About When Choosing Classes

Welcome to the joyful world of college. College will be giving your life a lot…

10 Things To Do In College Before You Graduate

A lot can happen during your time at college. Along with getting an education, you…

Fun Sheets For A Dorm Room Bed

What do the first minute of your day and the last minute in your day…