When trying to be as prepared as possible for your year at college, it is very important to pack the…
BU Sorority Recruitment can be intimidating because you’re basically being judged. But it is important to remember that you’re also judging…
Living in Penn State dorm rooms (especially if it's your first time) is not only exciting, but can also make…
With the new school year quickly approaching, college freshman and returning students alike are packing to return to campus. This…
After months of college tours, information sessions, and pros and cons lists, each of us has to make a final…
As the commonly labelled “best four years of your life,” a lot is going to happen in college. Your dorm…
Heading off to St. John’s University for college was exciting - partially because I was the first person in my family…
Dorm rooms can get unbelievably cramped. To squeeze in all of your belongings, you have to get creative. It's a…
I completely dove into my freshman year at UI head first. The first time I visited my campus, or even…
It can be difficult to attend a university for the first time and try to learn the best housing on…