Freshman Year

16 Things No One Will Tell You To Bring To College

16 Things No One Will Tell You To Bring To College

When I was preparing to move into my dorm last August, I scoured the internet for lists of things to…

8 years ago

15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At Clemson University Tomorrow

It was spring of my senior year of high school. Acceptance letters were flooding in and all the sudden it…

8 years ago

20 Nightmare Stories About Freshman Roommates That Are So Awful You’ll Laugh

Living with someone else for the first time in your life can be crazy. For many of us, moving into…

8 years ago

7 Things Every College Freshman Actually Needs To Know

Going away to college is a whole new journey for a lot of us. But- there are some things every…

8 years ago

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At University of Arkansas

You made it! The best 4 years of your life are ahead of you. Or at least that's what everybody…

8 years ago

Make The Most Of National Financial Literacy Month

Being a college student and handling a successful budget can be extremely difficult. On top of all of your other…

8 years ago

5 Reasons I Love Santa Clara

With the May 1 deadline approaching, I know a lot of high school seniors are struggling to make their college…

8 years ago

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Keene State

Freshman year of college is intimidating, especially when you don't know what to expect. Here's things no one tells you…

8 years ago

The Ultimate Ranking Of Freshman Dorms at University of Southern California

Picture this: you’re a freshman starting at USC next semester and don’t even know how to start choosing your ideal…

8 years ago

5 Random Things to Improve Your Freshman Experience

As incoming freshmen, none of us know what to expect. So we all go on different websites and watch different…

8 years ago