College Life

Tips to Improve Your Study Habits

Tips to Improve Your Study Habits

As college students, our time is precious and we seem to never have enough of it. Classes, personal life, and…

2 years ago

10 Apps that Make College Life Easier

It's that time of year again. The leaves are changing colors, the sweaters are out and everything tastes like pumpkin. And…

2 years ago

How to be Vegan in College

No matter the reason you’ve chosen to be vegan, adjusting to a new environment in college, while maintaining this lifestyle, can…

2 years ago

How to Get Over a College Breakup

It seems that when the fall season rolls around, two things are for sure to bombard the college scene: pumpkin…

2 years ago

What To Do With Your Course Syllabus ASAP

Every college student loves syllabus week. The week that students get a piece of paper that they will never look at…

2 years ago

How to Make the Perfect Study Playlist

Music sets the pace for our daily lives and sometimes we’re not even aware of it. How can something so…

2 years ago

The Dos and Don’ts of Snapchat

Snapchat just may be my favorite application right now. It’s one I can honestly say I use everyday. That being…

2 years ago

10 Things That Happen Every Time You Visit Home

Somehow, no matter if it's your first winter break of college, or a quick weekend trip to get off campus…

2 years ago

6 Ways to Overcome Social Anxiety

Whether you are an incoming college freshman, or starting your first day of work, everyone, and I literally mean everyone,…

2 years ago

Note Taking Tips for College Students

It’s the night before your exam and you’re freaking out because the notes you took are all over the place…

2 years ago