College Life

10 Tips To Survive College Applications

10 Tips To Survive College Applications

From those gosh darn relationship questions, holiday strugs, and friendship drama; I’m here to answer any of those burning questions you…

2 years ago

7 Ways To Save Money For Spring Break

With winter break in full swing, you can probably count the number of weeks left until spring break on both…

2 years ago

What To Do If Your School Isn’t For You

We all know that right before mid-terms everyone on your floor started questioning whether or not their school was the…

2 years ago

5 Tips for an Easier Morning

I am definitely not a morning person, but I try to make my mornings as quick and painless as possible.…

2 years ago

Tips for College Freelancers

So you’ve gone through the Fall semester, Christmas break, and the semi-annual sale at Victoria Secret to come to the fact that…

2 years ago

10 Reasons to Join a Sorority

When people think of sororities they tend to think about parties, sisterhood, and all the other things they have seen…

2 years ago

10 Steps to Adjust to College as an International Student

The transition from high school to college can be difficult, especially if you have to move thousands of miles away…

2 years ago

5 Reasons the Last Few Months of High School Actually Matter

When we think of senior year of high school we think of prom, graduation and basically just counting down the days…

2 years ago

12 Sober Birthday Celebration Ideas

There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday that don't involve drinking or getting drunk. Here are…

2 years ago

8 Things To Do Before the End of Your Study Abroad Semester

Studying abroad is the highlight of many students’ time in college. In just 6 months, we get to experience freedom,…

2 years ago