Whether you're a freshman or a senior, there is always something to learn at VT. Here are 10 things that…
If you've gone through the dreadful, tear-jerking, soul scorching experience that is applying for financial aid - these 19 images will…
With students from all walks of life attending college in today’s society, universities everywhere are catering to the demand for…
UMass Amherst recruitment advice coming at you live from a former recruitment chair. Here is the ultimate guide to sorority…
Who would have thought that college could be stressful before you even step foot on campus?! Planning out which dorm…
1. Walking three or more miles every day is typical. busybucketlist.wordpress.com 2. There is no sprinting to class five minutes…
For any Midwesterners planning on (or currently going to) East Coast colleges; this is my experience migrating from Michigan to the University of…
It seems as though fake IDs have become a mandatory item on every freshman college student’s packing list. If you’re…
Congratulations! You are officially in a "committed" relationship with college. Now, what...? CSUN's New Student Orientation, of course! Before you leap into…
The moment is finally here. You're holding your acceptance letter, giddy and excited, possibly jumping up and down. You have…