College Life

15 Things Any International Student Struggling To Adjust Can Relate To

15 Things Any International Student Struggling To Adjust Can Relate To

Coming to America! This is not just the name of an Eddie Murphy movie, but also the experience of millions…

8 years ago

15 Pieces Of Essential Clothing For Your College Wardrobe

We all know packing for college is certainly not the easiest task. With the lack of space and not a…

8 years ago

You Know You Go To Texas Christian University When…

It's pretty obvious that Texas Christian University is the best school in the country. Who wouldn't want to be in…

8 years ago

15 Signs You Grew Up In Your College’s Rival Town

For 18 years I have been a Virginia Tech Hokie. Also for 18 years, I have lived in Charlottesville, Virginia.…

8 years ago

10 Things To Look For In A Roommate

With college comes tons of exciting new things, including finding your first roommate! As summer roles around most people have…

8 years ago

15 Annoying Things About Being An Exchange Student

Student exchange in university is possibly the best opportunity to experience another culture and travel. If you live away from…

8 years ago

10 Struggles Of Being The Youngest In Your Friend Group

When your friends are 16, you're still 15. When they are 18, you're still 17. When they are 21, you're…

8 years ago

The Ultimate Festival Camping Checklist

Festivals are so much fun and could potentially be the highlight of your summer; music, dancing, friends, camping-what more could you…

8 years ago

10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At UA

The student body at the University of Alabama is really in a league all its own. From having the bragging…

8 years ago

What To Do Around Kent State When You’re Broke AF

As broke college students, you may have little to no money to spend on leisure activities as much as you…

8 years ago