College Life

20 Graduation Gifts College Grads Actually Want (And Need)

20 Graduation Gifts College Grads Actually Want (And Need)

Four years of college have come and gone - hard to believe (for students and parents alike). So how do…

7 years ago

12 Types Of College Roommates Everyone Has

While in college, you’re bound to meet a long list of characters. While living on campus, however, we hope for…

7 years ago

20 Things Only People In A Competitive Marching Band Will Understand

If you’ve ever been that one weird kid who opted to do competitive marching band instead of some normal sport,…

7 years ago

This Dorm Room Essentials List Will Save Your Sanity

Everyone that has lived in the dorms knows that living there can at times be hard and can cause a great deal…

7 years ago

A Freshman’s Perspective On The Transition From High School To College

You've started a journey that will impact the rest of your life. With all the excitement of being in your…

7 years ago

What I Wish I Knew My Freshman Year Of College

As a current sophomore at the University of Arkansas, man oh man, I have plenty I wish I knew my…

7 years ago

You’re Not Alone: How To Deal With Stress At School

They all said that college would be hard. However, nobody warned us how stressful college actually is. There are times…

7 years ago

10 Things To Do Before Transferring Schools

In our lives, there will always be a part where we'll need to transfer schools. It's a big change in…

7 years ago

15 Reasons Why Travel Is Important In College

Studying abroad, or just traveling in general, is something a majority of college students look forward to. New things will…

7 years ago

10 Helpful Tips On How To Manage Your Time Better In College

Time management and productivity is very important in college. It is very easy to push things off, but you will…

7 years ago