College Life

A Random Roommate Success Story, Because They Do Happen

A Random Roommate Success Story, Because They Do Happen

We have all heard the horror stories of what having a random roommate is like. For many, that may be…

6 years ago

10 Ways To Destress During Finals Week/The Weeks Before Finals Week

Have you ever felt like you needed a vacation from all the work you need to finish during finals week?…

6 years ago

10 Ways To Practice Zero Waste In College

Practicing zero waste is a great way to help the planet. The whole point of zero waste is to reduce…

6 years ago

12 Roommate Struggles All College Students Can Understand

College is a very exciting time for everyone. You're leaving home for the first time, you get to make new…

6 years ago

25 Awesome New Year Resolution Ideas For Students

With the new year quickly approaching, we all take some time to put our thinking caps on and brainstorm what…

6 years ago

Easy Hacks To Enjoy Spring Break On A Budget

Spring Break trips can be so much fun, but so expensive as well! We have some easy hacks that will…

6 years ago

The 10 Stages Of College Mid Terms As Told By Harry Potter

With thanksgiving only, a couple of weeks away, the stresses of college are starting to pile up. You no longer…

6 years ago

10 Easy Ways to Save Money As A Broke College Student

College can be expensive, especially for a student living in a big city; from transportation to basic necessities, your expenses…

6 years ago

How To Survive An Indiana University Tailgate

Tailgate day- the best and worst time of your life during your time at Indiana University.  The weather gets colder…

6 years ago

You Know You Go to Emerson College When

Emerson College has a reputation. We are supposedly a school of hipsters who smoke and are gay, and we study…

6 years ago