Student life is rough enough, exams, studying, partying, socializing, extra-circular clubs, part-time jobs etc. The most challenging aspect that many…
Save money shopping by using these apps that are college student approved. We gathered the top apps to help you…
It's only June, and your mind is probably somewhere between the beach and the pool, but it's never too early…
If your excited or nervous, or a little bit of both, about heading out to college this fall that's totally…
I'd diagnose you as a masochist, but you've already proved my point by choosing to take an 8 AM class.…
It's no secret that college can be the most expensive period of your life. Check out these money saving tips…
Gameday is lots of fun, but for some girls half the fun is picking a cute outfit to support your…
It's easy to get bogged down with ideas about what your roommate is going to be like. Maybe the two…
Many students enter college without understanding the huge amount of work they will be given and the limited amount of…
College parties are a time to be free and have fun. You can meet so many new people and make…