College Life

10 Places To Write Down Homework Assignments So You Don’t Forget

10 Places To Write Down Homework Assignments So You Don’t Forget

Professors in college don't directly tell you what the homework assignments are all the time. Even the syllabus they provide…

3 years ago

10 Perks Of Online School That We All Miss

Remember last March when we were all told that we were going to get two weeks off school. And then…

3 years ago

Top Seven More Ways To Be More Productive In Life

 So, have you ran out of ideas as to how to be productive in life? Well, today, we are going…

3 years ago

7 Conversation Starters For You And Your Roommate

It's hard to start a conversation with your roommate, especially if you don't know them that well yet. I was…

3 years ago

8 Signs That The Guy In Your Class Is Flirting With You

So there's a guy in one of your classes that's cute, charming, and not terrible to be around? And while…

3 years ago

How To Maintain A 4.0 GPA

It can be said that life is all about perspective. Seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty,…

3 years ago

10 Toxic Social Norms That You Will Probably Combat In College

College can be a lot of fun, but that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of toxic social norms popping up…

3 years ago

20 Mistakes Every California State University of Northridge Freshman Makes

Don't you wish you had an inside person to help you navigate every new situation? Some students are fortunate enough…

3 years ago

Things You Should Buy As A New College Student

As a new college student you may wonder what is it that you should bring to your new dorm to…

3 years ago

10 Necessary Things To Consider When Choosing A Major In College

You can't know all the things to consider when choosing a major in college before you do it, but luckily…

3 years ago