College Life

The Importance of Social Media (and How to Use It)

The Importance of Social Media (and How to Use It)

Social media, like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc., is a great way to keep in touch with old friends and have…

2 years ago

Dorm Room Exercises

When you have a busy schedule, it can be tough to find the time to make the trek to the…

2 years ago

Blogger Promotion Opportunity

Bloggers- looking for an opportunity to promote your articles to large amounts of people? Here at Studentrate, we want to…

2 years ago

Cat Eye Makeup Tutorial

The cat eye look was a very popular one at Fashion Week in NYC last week, and it's no wonder…

2 years ago

Stages of an All Nighter

Most, if not all of us, have been there. You have a huge paper to write, or a big test…

2 years ago

The College Trends Pinterest Project

Here at Studentrate, we cater to college students. We aim to give them not only great discounts and deals on…

2 years ago

9 Tips to Make the Most of Weekend Trips Abroad

One of the best parts of studying abroad, in my opinion at least, is having the ability to travel all…

2 years ago

Labor Day Sale at Forever21 – EXTRA 50% off Sale items

As the Labor Day weekend is upon us, one thing we are super excited about is the Forever21 Labor Day Sale.…

2 years ago

Fall Internship Style With Express

With September just 4 days away, fall internships will be starting soon. I already gave tips and rules on how…

2 years ago

Surviving a Long Plane Ride When Studying Abroad

You're super excited to be studying abroad. You've packed, filled out all the paperwork, your visa is all set up,…

2 years ago