Student Loans, Financial Aid, Scholarships are in College Finance section of Society19.
As a college student, managing your finance can be daunting. To take some stress off…
First off, what are money diaries? This term casually rose from the lifestyle magazine series…
Applying to college was beyond tough. Just when you put all of the late-night essay…
If you’re feeling stressed about how exactly you’re going to pay for school, you aren’t…
Arizona State University is known for being relatively generous with the money they award in…
Unfortunately, college nowadays is crazy expensive. Tuition is absolutely insane! Thankfully, financial aid is always there…
College is sweet, but let’s be real – paying for it definitely isn’t. The Cornell…
The financial aid process is long and daunting. You can start in October, but expect…
Whether you are just looking at colleges, an upcoming freshman, or an upperclassman- there is…
The University of Missouri financial aid site is so jam-packed with information that sometimes it…