Categories: Dorm Life

25 College Essentials For When You Move On Campus

25 College Essentials For When You Move On Campus

Often because of the excitement of starting a new life on a college campus, we sometimes forget about some of the important college essentials we need when moving. Living on campus is a fun experience if you have everything that you need. Here’s the ultimate list of college essentials for when you move on campus.

1. Mattress Pad

The beds provided in dorm rooms aren’t going to be what you’re used to at home. They’re relatively small, hard, and uncomfortable. Since you’ll have to be sleeping there every night, having a mattress pad is a definite college essential.

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2. Twin-sized Bedsheets and Comforter

Bedsheets and comforters are other ways to make your dorm’s bed more comfortable and homier. You’re going to need twin-sized sheets because that’s what size college dorm beds usually are. Get some that are stylish and that you’ll enjoy looking at every day.

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3. Shower Shoes

Especially if your dorm building has communal showers, shower shoes are a college essential that you do NOT want to forget about. Even if you’re only sharing a bathroom with your roommates, you have no idea how many others have used that shower before you.

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4. Under Bed Storage

You can’t bring too much on campus with you because of the limited space that a dorm room has. Having under bed storage can give you somewhere to keep some of your stuff without making your room look too cramped. Who knew something so simple could be so lifesaving?

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5. Shower Basket

Another simple college essential that can also be lifesaving is a shower basket. It can allow you to easily transport all your hair care products and bathing items from your room to your bathroom in one trip. It’s a way to keep all your things together and not get anything mixed up with your roommate’s stuff.

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6. Bathrobe

Having a bathrobe is especially important if your building has communal bathrooms, and it’s located far away from your dorm room. Nothing is more embarrassing than having to walk down the hall after a shower with nothing to cover up!

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7. First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is probably one of the most overlooked college essentials. Accidents can happen, and having a fully-stocked first aid kit can be super helpful during any unfortunate events. Plus, it’ll save you from making inconvenient trips to the university’s infirmary. Your first aid kit should have bare essentials like bandages, aspirin, vitamins, and cough drops.

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8. Laundry Basket

How else are you going to bring all your dirty clothes to your building’s laundry room? The laundry room is likely located on a different floor, so not having a laundry basket to transport your clothes will be a significant inconvenience for you. It’ll also prevent you from having clothes lying everywhere in your dorm room.

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9. Posters

Your dorm is going to be your living space for the next year, so posters and personal pictures are some college essentials you’ll want so you can feel like you’re at home. It’s also a fun way to decorate and personalize your space. Ensure you know and understand your dorm’s policies for hanging wall art in your room.

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10. Desk Lamp

If you have a roommate and need to stay up late to study or read, having a desk lamp will benefit both of you. You can also use your desk lamp light if you want some light in the room instead of having the whole place lit up. This is probably another overlooked college essential that’s both helpful and decorative.

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11. Rugs

It’s likely that your dorm room’s floor is tiled or hardwood, so you’ll want some area rugs that give you somewhere soft and warm to stand on. Cute rugs are also another way to personalize your room and make you feel more at home.

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12. Trash Can

Trash cans are essentials that can sometimes be forgotten as well when it comes to moving on campus. You’ll need somewhere to put your garbage, and you’re definitely not going to feel like going out in the hallway every time you need to throw something away!

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13. Mini Fridge

Where else are you going to keep your cold beverages stocked? If there’s one college essential you’ll need when you live on campus, a mini-fridge is it! You can also keep your cups and some of your other cutlery on top of your fridge.

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14. Toiletry Bag

Similarly to your shower basket, having a toiletry bag is great for keeping all your toiletries together and ensuring nothing gets mixed up with a roommate’s. It’s also a great way to keep your things organized.

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15. Mirror

Your dorm room will likely not have any mirrors except in the bathroom. When you need to use a mirror and the bathroom is occupied, having one in your room can help. Besides, if you get a full-body mirror, you can take some bomb #ootd selfies!

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16. Tissues

Tissues are another overlooked college essential. You never know when you’ll end up with the sniffles or when allergies suddenly attack. It’s a lot better to blow your nose with a lotioned tissue than with a stiff napkin.

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17. Towels, Washcloths, and Hand Towels

You’ll want to make sure you have plenty of towels, washcloths, and hand towels ready when you need them. You never know when you’ll need some to clean up spills or use it as a bath mat.

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See Also

18. Laundry Soap (and coins)

You can’t get your laundry done without laundry soap, so make sure to bring your favorite detergent when you move on campus. You’ll most likely have to use quarters to use the washing machine in your building, so make sure you have plenty stocked up. Nothing is worse than needing clean clothes and not being able to do laundry!

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19. Extra Pillows

Extra pillows mean extra comfort, so bring plenty of comfy pillows for your dorm room. You can use some for décor, some for the couch, or one for your desk. If you love sleeping with multiple pillows, this is one college essential you’ll definitely want.

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20. Microwave

Having a microwave in your dorm room is just as important as having a mini-fridge. You can warm up anything in your room’s comfort and make popcorn whenever you want without leaving your dorm.

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21. Bathroom Cleaning Products

You want to make sure cleaning products are definitely on your college essentials checklist, especially bathroom cleaning products. If you’re sharing a bathroom with a roommate or several roommates, it’ll save you. Nobody likes having a filthy space, so make sure to bring the tools you need to keep your place clean.

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22. Air Fresheners

Having an air freshener that you can keep in your room and the bathroom is essential. It’s convenient to have these handy when you want your room to smell nice or accidentally stink up the bathroom.

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23. Iron and Ironing Board

Your clothes will likely wrinkle after being in your suitcase or the clothing drawers for an extended period. So it’s good to have an iron and ironing board handy when you need your clothes to be crisp and smooth. Even if you never used to iron your clothes as much when you were living at home, you’ll be thankful that you brought these college essentials with you.

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24. Shoe Storage

Having shoe storage is another college essential that you’ll be grateful you have on campus. They can save so much space in your already tiny dorm closet, so you can bring more of your favorite pairs of shoes. These are also great for keeping your wardrobe more organized.

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25. Coffee Maker

Whether you need coffee before your early morning class or to keep you up. At the same time, you pull an all-nighter, having a coffee maker in your dorm is a college essential that every college student needs. It’ll save you lots of money because you won’t have to keep going to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts for your coffee. There’s nothing better than having access to coffee all the time for free!

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What are some other college essentials that you would bring on campus? Share below!

Featured image credit to Dormify.

Latasha Brown

Hi, I'm Latasha! I was born and raised in sunny South Florida and graduated from Florida Atlantic University in 2018. I have my bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in writing and rhetoric. I'm also planning to go back to school to get my MFA in creative writing in the near future. I consider myself to be a storyteller, and I love writing and blogging about lifestyle-related topics. My ultimate goal is to become a published author.

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