Many people are worried about spending money or using student loans to fund their college courses, and nobody wants to feel like they’ve wasted their money on a class that ended up being pointless for them. However, aside from your major and minor requirements, it’s important to expand your sense of learning to other areas of study that you might genuinely interested in.
Here are 10 college classes you should consider for fun while you’re enrolled, and you might even learn a lesson or two from these.
Of course, you’d need to be 21 or older to take this course, but this class can be tons of fun. Most of these come with a lab as well that involves testing spirits, wine, and beer. Many people enjoy college for partying experiences, but what better way to enjoy some drinking on campus than getting college credit for it.
In addition to the types of alcohol that will be available to you for these types of college classes, this is a great way to gain some knowledge of beverage production. You’ll know the ins and outs of how wine is created in vineyards and how beer is brewed. You can impress your friends the next time you’re out and they’ll even start turning to you for recommendations. It’s a fun trait to have.
Many people enjoy college classes that will leave them with a lifelong hobby afterward. Photography is a special example of this. Consider an introductory class to learn the basics of angles, shadows, lighting, and focus points. Many people develop a passion for capturing beauty and intrigue for galleries and personal projects.
Most introductory classes even provide rental cameras to avoid the hassle of spending extra money. If they don’t there are many local spots that can rent out cameras for student discounts. Photography offers a means of artistic expression, whether it’s still photos of city life or close-ups of nature. You’ll be happy that you updated from iPhone selfies to something much more sophisticated.
If you’re considering something artistic, but you’re worried about your drawing and painting skills, consider a ceramics class. It’s a great way to create new masterpieces through a hands-on approach. You could even look at this as an outlet for decorating your dorm room without spending so much money.
Learning a skill that allows you to create with your hands can help in other professional areas of your life. Future employers will love this unique skill about you. Friends and loved ones will appreciate the gifts you make for them. It’s also a great segway for first dates out on the town for you to make that great first impression with your mastery of ceramics.
If you have a passion for music, even that side rapping career you have going on, consider a fundamentals course. These types of college classes are great for discovering the history behind music production and understanding how to read notes on a page. You’ll also learn about the composition from melody to scales to chords.
Many of you play guitar on the side or create sounds on your computer. This is a great course to further develop your skills, and it might even inspire you to write music of your own. Additionally, you’ll learn to appreciate music from past eras and make distinct connections with the contemporary sounds we have today. Your dormmates might ask you to keep it down, but consider this class for your personal musical endeavors.
There is no greater enemy to the average college student than the inevitable “Freshman 15.” Know that this is no myth and that it does exist, unfortunately. Consider a fitness or sports class to help alleviate this situation. Many introductory classes, intended for health and human performance majors, contain the means for you to get in shape.
You’ll learn about the human body, and, in turn, you’ll learn how best to care for it. Having a course that shows you the ropes of physical activity can be a great start for healthy habits to carry with you even after college. From golf to basketball, from football to swimming, there are many sports for you to participate in and release endorphins needed for you to deal with the anxiety of your tougher classes. Getting course credit for working out? What more motivation do you need to stay healthy?
I had the time of life when I took both an introductory fiction writing class and an introductory poetry writing class. Neither required prior experience and both had instructors that encouraged you to open your mind to that crazy, dark, whimsical side you hide from others around you. Taking a creative writing class is another great expression for artistic expression.
You’ll learn character development, developing plot lines, and constructive criticism for your own work. These are essential skills you’ll need when understanding the motives of people in your life and how to critique and be critiqued for improvement. It’s also cool to look back years later and be proud of that short story you concocted or those poems you constructed from that college breakup you went through.
Take a break from binge-watching Criminal Minds and live out your fantasy of understanding complex human behaviors. An introduction to psychology class is an interesting option for anyone, regardless of what you are studying. You’ll learn how the mind develops even from childhood. Are you curious about how perception works? How does our brain process emotions? How is our personality developed from our experiences? Enroll in this course to answer these questions.
One of the coolest components of this class are the psychological experiments you’ll learn about that have been recorded historically. This is a class that will make you think about the people around you. You might even find yourself doing some inward reflections on your own behavioral patterns. You truly can learn a lot about yourself from a course like this.
Need a way to get college credit without giving up your downtime of watching movies? Consider an introduction to film studies course. These types of college classes are great for someone who has a hard time paying attention in class. With a diverse selection of films, you’ll have access to movies from various time periods. Many are exciting and some are just fun to watch just for the heck of it.
You’ll also get some valuable insight into the industry behind the creation of some of history’s most critically acclaimed creations. If you’re lucky, this course might even be offered to you online. You can pop open a bottle of wine, heat up some popcorn, and learn from the comfort of your bed. You’ll learn to appreciate the art of film from this cool option.
You’ve had DuoLingo on your phone for a while now, but it’s not doing much good if you don’t have many opportunities to practice a new language you are trying to learn. Plus, the pandemic isn’t making it any easier to travel and immerse yourself in a new culture. Consider a foreign language course as an elective while you’re in school. French, Spanish, Russian–there’s a variety to choose from, depending on your interest.
A lot of people underestimate the power of learning a language other than English. Many employers are looking for bilingual candidates and the need for translators is increasing for many businesses and corporations. Give yourself an edge on the competition by adding this skill to your repertoire of knowledge and insight. These college classes will make you more marketable and you’re more likely to land that dream job you’ve been after.
Instagram is the official platform for our generation. We post pictures of our food, selfies of us in quarantine, beautiful sunsets, and celebrations. If you’re being honest with yourself, you know as well as I do that a filter can make a world of a difference for what you post. While you’re in college, consider taking advantage of a photoshop class for the fun of it. These types of college classes are a blast when it comes to enhancing your graphic skills.
Obviously many will be tempted to alter their photos by trimming their sizes and hiding blemishes, but this is also a useful skill to have for social media marketing. A focus on lighting and cropping can come in handy for polishing pictures to make them seem more likable or even professional. Create wallpapers and designs, learn how to whiten teeth and remove red-eye, and draw attention to subjects in your images. Just be sure not to catfish your dates in the process.
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