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8 Coffee Shops Around The World Worth Going To

8 Coffee Shops Around The World Worth Going To

When traveling, it’s important to not only enjoy quality meals and activities, but to also get your daily pick me up every morning. For some it’s tea or even an energy drink, but for many of us it’s coffee. The caffeinated grounds can be served in beverages sweet or bitter. But of course what makes going to a coffee shop truly special is the ambiance. The quiet chatter and study style tables often provided by coffee shops make the place perfect to lounge or read in. Many avid coffee drinks have a shop in their city or town that they call home. But abroad, many of us forgot about the importance of a good cup of joe. 

You might easily choose the simple route and opt for cheap coffee experience when traveling. Some of us will even shamelessly drink at the Starbucks or Mcdonald’s abroad. These aren’t necessarily bad things, but if you enjoy coffee you should consider going to at least one nice shop when traveling.  While abroad, there are usually many amazing coffee shops to see. Here are 8 coffee shops around the world worth going to.

1. True Coffee HQ

Located in Cape Town Central, this coffee shop proudly boasts some of the best coffee in the world. Inside you can see the coffee roasters and the shop itself is huge. The shop itself offers plenty to do and see, thanks to the shop’s steampunk theme. The theme of the coffee shop is cool to look at and view and you’ll definitely remember it.


The coffee itself is also super good, with the shop proclaiming”no sugar allowed.” It might see like a hefty requirement, but the shop’s rule is reasonable since the coffee is rather sweet. You definitely won’t need to add spoons and spoons of sugar to enjoy the coffee here and that’s a good thing.

2. Always Cafe

Embrace your inner nerd in Hanoi, Vietnam at the Always Cafe. Inspired by Harry Potter, the cafe boasts hogwarts style interior and plenty of magic themed decorations. Inside, you can buy Harry Potter Merchandise or take a photo with a “Have You Seen This Wizard” decoration inspired by Sirius Black. The decor is certainly memorable and so is the coffee.


Even if all the Harry Potter lingo sounds like gibberish to you and you could care less about the series, the coffee shop is still worth a visit. The drinks are always delicious and there are plenty of options from coconut lattes to Butterbeer. Any nerd or coffee enthusiast will enjoy the shop.

3. EL & N

This coffee shop has multiple locations across the world, including London. When you go in, you will quickly notice how gorgeous and girly the inside is. The store is covered in pink flowers and neon signs. It might sound tacky, but it actually works super well. The flowers add a peaceful yet vibrant feel to the store and you won’t forgot all the decor. You will definitely want to take a photo for Instagram if you visit. When you post it, you’ll definitely feel like an influencer.


But of course, coffee is where the shop truly shines. Unlike some influencer frequented shops, the coffee here truly is a delight. You can get some beautiful lattes some are which come with adorable latte art. Some are even different colors, making them truly gorgeous. Definitely a must for any Instagram lover.

4. Piggy Back Cafe

If you love latte art, then you’ll just have to go to Piggy Back Cafe in Australia. This cafe has some of the best latte art in the world. The shop isn’t just offering simple designs you might see at your local coffee shop either. There are colorful designs here with multiple colors that will leave your latte looking like a rainbow.


The shop is led by Emily Coumbis, who shares her latte art on Instagram. If you check out her Insta, you’ll quickly realize that the woman has a lot of talent. The lattes shared there are definitely beautiful and arguably deserve to be in an art museum.  Her coffee shop is certainly proof that latte art is well, art.

The food here is also great, you can get anything from acai bowls to pancakes.Definitely a destination not just for coffee, but also food. But of course, it is the lattes that are truly the best.


5. Cafe Craft

When in France, definitely search for this Cafe. The cafe offers some delightful coffee in a variety of flavors. Coffee is handcrafted and made by skilled baristas here, ensuring your experience will be fantastic. Plus, the interior decor is super pleasing to look at and you’ll definitely remember it. Definitely try a cup of coffee here when you’re in Paris. The only downside of the shop is that it may leave you disappointed when you return to America and realize home coffee will never compare.

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6. Daerim Changgo

Lines are certainly long here and crowded at Daerim Changgo and it’s not hard to see why. The coffee shop is located in Seoul and offers a breathtaking interior with Leonardo De Vinci style hanging art. Located in an old industrial warehouse, the coffee shop is super nice to look at and provides a unique atmosphere. You can enjoy hot tea or coffee here, and it’s quite good. Definitely a memorable shop.

7. Cafe Frei Vaci utca

In Budapest you’ll find this memorable cafe. The coffee shop offers gorgeous green interior and a long menu. You’ll certainly want to take a look at all the coffee selections, because there are plenty and all are delicious. You can get anything from Italian to Japanese style coffee.  If you want to try more than just one coffee, this is the place to do so.


8. Sant Eustachio il Caffe

It’s be injustice not to include at least one Italian coffee shop on the list, since the country has arguably shaped and influenced coffee around the world today. The country values quality beans and not overly sweet coffee, so it’s no surprise finding a great shop there isn’t hard. But Sant Eustachio il Caffe in Rome stands out the most. With high quality espresso at an affordable price, the coffee shop is considered by many to be not only the best in Italy, but in the world.


Are there any other coffee shops worth going to? Comment below to tell us!

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