Categories: Fitness

Closing Your Rings

If you have paid any attention in the last few decades, you will realize that technology has totally taken over our lives. Still, it might actually be helpful regarding your physical fitness. The moment you put your apple watch on your wrist, your body was under evaluation. This sounds kind of creepy, but honestly, it is very helpful for those who are pushing to close their rings. Closing your rings can be done through pretty much any form of physical exercise from walking, climbing, yoga, dance, and so on. Your goals are set and displayed beautifully through colorful wrings appearing right on your wrist. The goals you set are completely personalized based on how much time you want to stand, exercise, and move.

Stand, Exercise, and Move

Your move goal breaks down everyday movements from pacing at work to shopping for your shampoo at target into active calories. Apple Watch also calculates inactive calories which appear from rest or passive activity. Move goal is not designed to calculate the energy you spend when not actively working out. Exercise goal is, of course, calculating the movement you do that is intentional exercise. This is inclusive of almost all exercises you can think of. The apple watch is preset to have a goal of 30 minutes of exercise a day, reducing the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and weight gain. Finally, the stand goal helps keep track of the time you stand over 12 hours. Sitting too much can cause a health risk, which is why your apple watch sends you an hourly reminder to get up and get moving for one minute every hour.

No matter what goals you set for yourself to close those rings every day, there is a little burst of motivation from your apple watch. This either comes from personalized coaching, or you can share data, compete, and win awards. These aspects of the apple watch should keep you motivated to close those rings.

Perhaps you are someone who works out regularly, and that competitive nature kicks in. There is always one person who goes on a mile run at 10 pm to close an exercise ring. These are some of the best ways to feel inspired to work out. Competing is a great method to motivate yourself as well. If you have a gym buddy or someone that shares the same motivation you do for exercise, initiate a competition with them to push yourself for the week.

Choosing an Exercise

We often reside in our comfort zones and only stick to the things we are good at. While this is ok occasionally, it is beneficial to push yourself outside your comfort zone and try a new exercise. There are hundreds of exercises that can be completed on apple watches to help close your rings. Choosing something a bit spicier than what you have been doing is a great place to start. Not only does this aid in an adrenaline rush, but it helps keep you motivated for your next workout. Try something different that sounds like fun, such as badminton, archery, boxing, equestrian sports, hunting, or paddling. If you have tried all of these, find something else that will help keep you motivated.

What’s the Point?

Staying fit and healthy can be a real challenge. If you have never been athletic or have never worked out, incorporating exercise into your routine can be quite disruptive and stressful. The best way to overcome these challenges is through consistency. Pick days that you are going to be committed to exercising for however long you want to exercise. Sometimes stepping foot in the gym can be the hardest part. Start by going for short periods. 10 minutes on a treadmill is way better than 0. Give your body and mind time to adjust. That doesn’t mean quitting when it is hard; it just means finding a good footing before launching yourself into a sprint. Nobody is going to want it more than you want it for yourself. Incorporate a reasonable plan for you to start off with and go from there. Going at it alone can be difficult; find a support system for yourself and ask them to be an accountability buddy. This is the person who will help keep you on track during those particularly difficult days. In return, you will do the same for them. The main point of closing those rings is to keep your body healthy and strong while feeling amazing while doing so. Showing up is all you can do, so you better start showing up.

See Also

Things to Keep in Mind

If you become dedicated to having a healthy body, you should be aware of a couple of things. Pushing your body does not mean 100% all the time. Give your body breaks encouraging its recovery with healthy food or even some unhealthy food. The best thing for an effective recovery is sleep, so prioritize your body’s sleep schedule. This does not mean you have to give up your life for fitness. Everybody has unplanned days off, and that’s ok. Just be sure to have more planned days on instead of unplanned days off. You might be moving more than you typically do, which will naturally burn more calories. Consider food your fuel because it actually is. Give your body a good amount of fuel after a workout to keep you feeling amazing. The same applies to hydration. You are most likely letting more out than you are putting in. Find water you love, preferably with a reusable cup, and keep your skin soft and body hydrated.

Prioritizing your health is the best thing you can do for yourself, and a great way to do that is by closing your rings. Be gentle and kind to yourself while you work towards closing those rings. Push yourself outside that comfort zone with new challenges and adventures. Take care of your body afterward, and you should be good to go.

What is your favorite exercise that helps you close rings?
Kaylee Dellert

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