Categories: Food & Drink

Clever Ways To Drink More Water When You Actually Hate It

Everyone should add drinking more water on their annual new year’s resolution list!

We are just a few months into 2020 and this is the time our zeal for our resolutions began to dwindle a little bit. Don’t let that happen to you! I’m sure the majority of us added getting more physically fit and healthy on our resolution list. One great way to kick that off is to start by drinking more water.

Your body is 70 percent water! That’s a lot. Drinking enough of it is vital for your health. The best way to see outward physical changes is to make sure you are focusing on the inside first and giving your body the proper care and nourishment it needs to sustain.

If you hate the way water tastes or just find you don’t manage to get in your daily 8 glasses of water. Read on for some cool and easy methods to try out to ensure you are treating your body with the necessary care it needs. You’ll be surprised how you can drink more water without it being a chore.

Tea works too

Tea is nothing but a hot cup of water with flavor. Try drinking some tea when you’re just not feeling plain old water. You can drink tea hot or cold, just make sure it’s a decaffeinated herbal kind. Also, be careful of the extra add-ins you put into your tea. Too much sugar or other sweeteners will be counterintuitive to getting the quality water you need. Just add-in just enough to flavor or drink it simply without if you can.

Track intake through an app

Laura Kadner, author of “How to drink water when you hate it” had this to share about using apps on your phone to track your daily water intake. “Everything is more fun when you track it. There are several apps that you can use to track how much you’re guzzling throughout the day. Some even include friendly little reminders. Check out Waterlogged or Fig to start. Although once the novelty of the app wears off, you might find yourself falling off the water wagon. Hopefully, by then water drinking will be a habit, not something you’re doing to please your app.”

Work up a sweat

Whether it’s working out at the gym or taking up a new sport, anything that causes you to work up a sweat will cause you to drink more water.

I remember in middle school and high school having to run a mile during gym class. It was the worst thing for a teenage girl to have gym second period of the day. It was even worse to have to sweat and run a mile. I just remember feeling exhausted and terribly thirsty after each mile I ran or sometimes walked. Afterward, I would guzzle down a water bottle in seconds sometimes even two.

Just further proof that exercise will make you drink more water. So kill two birds with one stone! By getting physically fit with exercise and as a result, drinking more water.

Use a rewards system

A great incentive to trick yourself to drink more water is to come up with a reward system. You get to choose the prize and reward yourself with good behavior. The purpose of the rewards system is for you to find joy in actually drinking more water. That joy or sense of accomplishment is what going to help you keep this up and create a habit.

Get a cool water bottle

If you’re anything like me see an inspirational water bottles or ones with catchy phrases like “Chug it like it’s wine” written on the bottle might entice you a little bit more to not only purchase one but to actually drink more water. Finding a water bottle that matches your mood or even better your outfit will probably be an incentive to drink even more water.

Plus, buying your own water bottle is better for the environment. You won’t have to rely on purchasing tons of single-use water bottles just to have to throw them out later.

See Also

Eat your water

Sometimes the best way to trick your mind into getting the daily water you need is to eat your water. Fruits like cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melons are great sources of water that have plenty of natural sugar to make for a tasty treat.

In the summer especially, I find it’s so easy and refreshing to choose to pig out on snacks like cut up watermelon or strawberries because it’s hot and you are in constant need of refreshment that water provides. Snacks like Lays potato chips, while are tasty, leave you feeling more sluggish. While snacking on fruits, especially those with a high water concentrate, will help you feel fuller fast and energized. When you eat well you also feel good!

Drink one cup of water before each meal

Drink more water by simply increasing your intake at every meal. If you eat three meals a day, this adds an extra three cups to your daily water intake. Sometimes your body even mistakes thirst for hunger. So drinking one glass before you eat will help to discern whether you are actually hungry or just thirsty.

Add a splash of juice

One glass of juice might be full of sugar but adding just a splash of juice to your water can easily sweeten water naturally. So you don’t have to skip out on juice all together but just add some to your water to give it a little kick.

Other alternatives to slowly get you in the habit of drinking more water is to replace water with all other beverages cold turkey. Or, for every cup of juice that you drink you also drink one or two cups of water.

There are many ways to drink more water when you don’t enjoy the taste of it. Are you a water lover? Or can you benefit from trying out some of these methods? If so, we would love to hear which ones! Just leave us a comment below!

Tatiana Moreno-George

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