Top 10 Clever Care Package Ideas For The Fall

It’s hard not to feel a little burst of joy when autumn rolls around, but many students are drowning in too many midterms and class projects, and sometimes care packages are necessary to help lift fall spirits. Get your friend or family member in the fall spirit with a box full of cozy autumn essentials. Keep reading for the top 10 most clever care package ideas for the fall to send to your loved one who is away at school.
1. Bulk candy they can share with their friends will never go to waste.
Because you always need another reason to eat a bunch of calories in college, and it’s Halloween so they don’t even count, right?
2. Some delicious Caramel Apple Pops to get them in the fall spirit.
These are obviously candy, but they should also definitely stand on their own. These little drops of heaven scream fall, and no autumn care package would be complete without them.
3. Some versatile Halloween costume supplies.
College kids need the most ridiculous of costumes for all kinds of occasions. My top recommendations would be tutus, wigs, and prop glasses.
4. Items for fall decor so they can decorate their dorm or apartment.
Fake pumpkins, leaves, and gourds seriously jazz up a cinder block dorm room. What better to bring a little fun to midterm season?
5. A tin of flavored popcorn for them to munch on.
Even if they’re stuck on campus and don’t get to smell it roasting, kettle corn is sure to remind a homesick freshman of fall festivals across the country.
6. A cozy flannel they can wear around campus.
This might seem like a random selection for a care package, but sweaters are way too bulky and nothing gets the cozy fall feels going quite like a good flannel. I recommend Lands End or LL Bean if you want to purchase a good investment, but any will do.
7. Fun nail polish is always a good item for a care package, for any season!
Nail polish is something a college girl is always happy to get more of. There are tons of fall colors to choose from, one of my favorites is “Wicked” by Essie.
8. A gift card for a nearby coffee shop.
While you may not be able to send your buddy/loved one a pumpkin spice latte, you can send them one in monetary form, and what collegiate doesn’t need more Starbucks money?
9. Some warm, cozy socks for them to slip on when the dorms get chilly.
Dorm rooms can get pretty freezing in the fall, especially when the school continues to blast AC well in to September. Send some fuzzy socks to keep toes toasty.
10. Tea
Fall is the perfect time for tea drinking, and for the college student whose life doesn’t revolve around coffee, it can give them the boost they need to get through mid terms. My favorite fall tea is vanilla chai from Bigelow, it’s spicy and delicious.
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
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Ella is a Freshman at Tulane University studying English and history. After graduation she hopes to work in editing or publishing. You can find her with her nose in a book, on Pinterest, or exploring local stores and restaurants with her friends. She has a passion for travel and a serious case of wanderlust.