8 Classic Books That Everyone Should Read

Reading is undoubtably one of the best pastimes to have – there’s nothing better than curling up with a brew and a good book! But with so much variety in the literary world it can be hard to figure out where to start when picking a book. So to help you out, here’s our list of 8 different classic books that everyone should read.
1. Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables is a classic children’s novel that’s been popular ever since its release all the way back in 1908! Written by L.M Montgomery the book follows a little orphan called Anne Shirley as she starts her new life with a family on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Anne’s character is extremely well written, and by the third page I’m sure you’ll find yourself enchanted by the strange little redhead with a wild imagination and extensive vocabulary.
2. Harry Potter
It may be too modern to be considered a ‘classic’, but Harry Potter is a must read. Not because of its cult status worldwide, but because J.K Rowling simply has a brilliant story to tell. That story doesn’t end when the series does either, there’s a whole world of lore, fan fictions and head canons that come with the Harry Potter series, and the more you discover the more there is to know. It’s a huge, fascinating world of its own.
3. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
This is another modern not-so-classic book, but it’s a seriously brilliant book. It follows a boy named Christopher who has Autism, as he attempts to discover who killed his neighbours dog. It’s bleak and hilarious in equal parts, and is a really intelligent interpretation of what it’s like to live with Autism in the modern world.
4. All Creatures Great and Small
This one might seem like another strange addition because it’s really not very well known , but stick with us because it’s a brilliantly written book. It provides a witty and down to earth view of life in the North of England as you follow a vet through his day in t the 1930s Yorkshire countryside. Reading this book genuinely sends you back in time, and you’re really made to feel like you’re walking right alongside the vet as everything unfolds.
5. The Diary of Anne Frank
The story of Anne Frank and her family is a really tragic one that unfortunately was a horrid reality for millions of Jewish people during Adolf Hitler’s reign. Everyone should read Anne Frank’s diary at least once in their lives, because it is so heartbreakingly normal. She was just another normal teen, with boy issues and nagging parents and a real passion for her interests like everyone else, and her life was cut short just because of her heritage.
6. Little Women
Little women is really just an all round lovely book. It’s got a real sense of comfort and familiarity with it, and you find yourself rooting for each of the 4 sisters individually as you follow them through the ups and downs of their adolescent lives. It does have a healthy dose of sadness, but it is a necessary sadness that leaves the story just as lovely as when you started it. This is one of our favorite classic books!
7. To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird is in every sense a literary classic. It’s a timeless book that’s still taught in schools today, and despite being written over 50 years ago it does still hold some valuable lessons about judging a person before you know them. Its narration on racial prejudices is handled in such a brilliant way, and at whatever age you visit this book there’s always a lesson you can drawn from it.
8. Go Set a Watchman
Go Set a Watchman is a book that’s really wrapped in controversy. It was publish after Harper Lee’s death, and many people believe she didn’t want it published at all. it’s considered a sequel to TKAM, but it’s actually a very rough first draft of TKAM before the plot and story developed into what it is today. This is recommended simply because it’s very interesting to see how Harper Lee developed her ideas and changed her perspective as she worked on TKAM. This is one of the best classic books!
Hopefully these recommendations have given you a good place to start off, but remember no type of book is bad, so if these aren’t your cup of tea don’t fret! Reading is all about enjoyment, so if you prefer fluffy romance novels, or hardcore crime novels then go with that instead!