
20 Sexy Dresses For Your Next Night Out

We all deserve to look and feel sexy. After a long week of work, classes,…

Your shoe choice defines your night out, especially when it comes to college parties. But how do you pick? Follow our guide to pick the perfect pair!

How Your Shoe Choice Defines Your Night Out

Your shoe choice has a massive impact on how your weekend is going to play…

10 Stay-At-Home Date Night Ideas

Everybody has those nights where they just want to stay in the house instead of…

Cute and preppy date night outfit ideas for your next night on the town with your guy! These outfits ideas are perfect for that first date!

20 Cute And Preppy Date Night Outfit Ideas

There are three key ingredients for a successful date night outfit: 1. Comfort 2. Personality…

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At Florida State University

What Exactly Happens During FSU Recruitment

Every year FSU is flooded with a new population that takes over campus for one…