Categories: Holidays

Cinco De Mayo Drinking Games To Play During Happy Hour

Cinco De Maya is approaching fast, and that means it is time to start planning what Cinco De Mayo drinking games to play when you’re out and about at the bars! Because while drinking is fine in its own right,  drinking games can just take the night to a whole new level!

“Uno de Mayo”

We all know how to play the game Uno. It’s infuriating, but also much fun if you’re with the right people. Now, add drinking into the mix and you’ve got yourself a wild time.

How to play: All you need to do to play this Cinco De Mayo version of Uno is add a couple more rules. Simply say that the number you draw from your deck equates to how many sips of alcohol you have to take. When a reverse card is played, you pick the player that has to drink, and if you get a skip card, you skip a turn to drink. While this game is simple, be prepared to start drinking right away. This game surely isn’t for the faint of heart. Or at least for those who don’t have strong stomachs.


If you happen to be going to a bar with three to six of your friends, then this is a simple and easy game that will get you drunk super quickly. All you need is (you guessed it) a quarter, some glasses, and a table. That’s right, a table. I wouldn’t try playing this at the bar unless you plan to get yourself in a bit of trouble… which I suppose wouldn’t be the worst thing on a holiday such as Cinco De Mayo.

How to play: Each person takes a turn bouncing your one quarter off the table and into one of the glasses you put in the middle of it. If you manage to make it into the glass, you get to chug the Cinco De Mayo-based drink you ordered. If you don’t make it in, just pass it to the next person. Seems easy, but trust me, after a few drinks you’ll be struggling to the point where you wondered how you made the quarter into the glass in the first place.

Drink A Shot Or Eat Hot

This is one of the many Cinco De Mayo drinking games that will get you tipsy pretty quickly.

How to play: Attach a single balloon to the top of your open bottle of beer. Keep shaking your bottle until the carbon dioxide fills the balloon with air. If your balloon starts to form an avocado shape, then you have to eat the spiciest thing you can find and wash it down with your drink. If the balloon takes on a lime shape, then one must take a shot, and (again) wash it down with some beer. As I said before, this game is designed to get you drunk, and fast, so I’d stay away from this game if you are looking to remember the day after.

7-11 Doubles

How to play: Grab a large glass, some beer, and two dice. Grab your friends and sit around a table. All you have to do is fill your glass three-fourth of the way full and pick someone to roll both dice. If the player rolls a seven, eleven, or doubles, they get to chose who around the table has to drink! If they don’t roll any of those, they pass along the dice and keep going until someone does. The real kick of this game is that the player chosen to drink has to finish it before the next person rolls any of these numbers.

Beer Pong

I’m sure we all know how to play beer pong, but just in case you don’t I’ll give a quick explanation. If you have never played this game, you’ll quickly learn just how difficult it is if you aren’t good at aiming.

How to play: Grab yourself some cups (preferably ten) and form them into a pyramid shape on each end of a long table and fill them up with any of your preferred Cinco De Mayo beer. Grab a bunch of your friends and divide them into two teams. Basically, grab anyone that’s just naturally good at hand-eye coordination, even when drunk. Both teams and teammates take turns until all the cups on either side of the table are empty. Just make sure to keep your aim steady and to not let your friend’s on the opposing team distract you.

If you truly cherish your friends, though, maybe stray away from this game this Cinco De Mayo. This game can sometimes be a friendship ender.

See Also

Drunk Jenga

This is one of the many Cinco De Mayo drinking games that you wouldn’t expect to work as well as it does when drinking is involved.

How to play: It’s simple. Every time a player successfully pulls out a Jenga piece, they get to choose who has to take a drink.

Flip Cup

You need at least six people for this game, and you guessed it, there are opposing sides involved. Don’t you know that most drinking games turn your friends into enemies?

How to play: Head to a long table. Each person on a team line up on both sides and place a single solo cup in front of them that’s filled with beer. Start at the end of each table, and the first member of each team has to chug their drink. Once the cup is empty, each player has to race on who can flip their cup upside down the fastest. Whichever team drinks all of their beer and flips all their cups first, wins! Out of all of the Cinco De Mayo drinking games out there, this may not be the greatest thing to play during happy hour, but I’m sure any bartender would be happy to assist your mission in having the best time you can during this holiday!

What did you think of these Cinco De Mayo drinking games? Let us know in the comments below!

Images via
Laura Mauter

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