Top 10 Christmas Themed Parties You Should Try

Everyone likes a good Christmas party, but they can get a little boring after years and years of doing the same thing. It’s not like the traditional party is a bad thing, but sometimes you wish that it could be a little different. You recently heard about some alternative Christmas party ideas that you’re eager to try, although your parents seem to like doing the same thing every year. The first step is to convince them to take a chance on your idea. If they’re on the fence about it, threaten to leave forever if they don’t go along with it. Before you know it, you’ll have their permission to make this Christmas one to remember!
Chillin’ by the campfire
This Christmas party theme really isn’t too difficult or time consuming. The hardest part of this is going to be finding somewhere to build a campfire. You don’t want to actually go out camping since that’s pretty boring, so you decide to just get a pile of logs and dig a moderately sized hole in the backyard. How do you light a fire, you ask? Simply throw the logs into the pit, pour a tiny bit of gasoline on them, and throw a lit match in. You may want to stand back, though, since the initial burst of fire may burn you.
A Christmas talent show
Are any members of your family talented? Anyone at all? Well, don’t worry about that, because they don’t need to be. This isn’t ‘America’s Got Talent’ or anything like that. Nope, it’s only a regular Christmas party, but with a twist that you hope will become the new tradition in your home. Unfortunately, a lot of the set will have to be makeshift because of the low budget (it’s actually nonexistent). For a stage, drape a blanket over the backs of two dining room chairs and make a space in the living room.
Dressing up as holiday characters
Every year, you and your family watch a bunch of Christmas movies starring many famous holiday characters. This got you thinking: what if everyone dressed up as their favorite character for our next Christmas party? Truly an inspired idea, you think to yourself. You even have ideas as to what everyone could be. Your baby brother could be the little blond elf from Rudolf, while your father could dress up as the Burgermeister from ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’. These are, of course, the costumes that would work best for them, but you’ll allow them to make their own offers.
12 days of Christmas
Why hasn’t anyone ever thought of this before? This Christmas party idea stretches for, like, half the month before Christmas day itself. Your first thought when this idea popped into your head was to replicate the song day for day (the two turtledoves, partridge in a pear tree, etc.), but you realized pretty quickly that you don’t know where to get those things. You didn’t abandon the idea, though, since you really thought you hit upon something great. Eventually, you decided to have everyone open one gift every twelve days until Christmas.
Making ornaments
Sure, you could do the boring thing and go to a Christmas store like Bronner’s in Michigan in order to buy excellently made ornaments, or you could make you own out of Styrofoam. It’s not even a question, really, of which you would rather do, so you steal the keys to the car and dump a lot of crafting items on the table while declaring that everyone’ll be making their own ornaments this year. Looking for ideas on your phone is not allowed; this is a purely creative exercise that will determine who has an imagination and who does not.
A Christmas bake off
So, it’s a little embarrassing, but you came up with this Christmas party idea when you were hungry. You were watching a baking show on Netflix and wanted to participate in one. Since it probably takes a lot of work to apply for a show, you make a compromise with yourself, instead. This Christmas, everyone in the house, excepting you since you’re the judge, will make a delicious dessert. You let everyone know that these will be featured on the dessert table following Christmas dinner, with the winning treat having the honor of becoming a traditional holiday dessert.
A Gingerbread house contest
Every year is always the same. Your family makes a gingerbread house from the same mold, and it sits on the counter for the remainder of the year. You want to switch this up, though, so you convince everyone to have a gingerbread house contest during the Christmas party. The one rule is very simple: make a gingerbread house that’s different from the others. If two houses are too similar to each other, then both teams will have to watch as you destroy the house with a hammer and then eat it in front of them.
Holiday movie recreations
You sometimes wish that you could star in a holiday movie like the actors and actresses on screen. You’re just as good as they are, so why shouldn’t you? Prove to yourself, and your family, how well you’d do on the big screen by hosting a holiday movie recreation for your Christmas party. Each room could be a different movie, with you in the starring role for each. Beneath the stairs, place a lot of toy cars that you’ll slip and fall on. Afterwards, run to the living room where (under a spotlight) you’ll give the true meaning of Christmas while holding your blanket.
Worst present party
Admit it, there are always a couple gifts each year that you wish you hadn’t received. A pair of socks, or a toy car instead of an actual one to name a couple you got in the past. Before, you were always encouraged by your parents to smile and thank the person who gave you those awful gifts, but not this year. For this Christmas party, you’re going to tell those people exactly what you think of those gifts. Did your grandma, who doesn’t have a lot of extra money, only give you a coffee mug with a picture of you two on it? Let her know how incredibly bad that gift is and complain that she didn’t give you a new laptop like you asked for.
Christmas trivia
Since everyone in your family has watched the same Christmas movies over and over again for as long as you can remember, you feel like it’s time to test their holiday knowledge with a game of trivia. Sit everyone down in the living room for a Christmas party that’ll show who’s the most smartest person in the room regarding holiday trivia. You decide to do away with all the ‘easy’ questions, like the names of all the reindeer, and ask ones like ‘What year was this movie made?’. Everyone will surely thank you for your decision.
Have you considered any of these Christmas party themes? Can you think of any better ones that aren’t on here? Let me know in the comments below!
A new face on the writing scene, Josh VanAkker brings a breath of fresh air to the world of blogging. He enjoys working with new styles of writing, and has employed a good number of them in his many blog posts.