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15 Christmas Gift Ideas For Newlyweds

15 Christmas Gift Ideas For Newlyweds

If you know a recently married couple, then these his and hers presents are the best Christmas gift ideas for newlyweds you need to buy!

A part of getting older is watching your friends and family begin their own families, and start their own lives! It’s an exciting period of time, and super fun to attend all of those weddings! However, with the holidays coming up you may find yourself thinking of what to get that newlywed couple who’s wedding you attended just a few months back. Don’t panic yet, because we’ve created a list of Christmas gift ideas for newlyweds that they will definitely love!


 1) A Cute Christmas Ornament

I mean DUH. A personalized ornament for their first Christmas together is almost a no brainer. In fact, this idea is so much of a no brainer that you better check around and see if anyone else is doing the same!


2) This Adorable Picnic Date Bag

Just because a couple is married, doesn’t mean they can’t go on a romantic picnic date! In fact, a gesture like this may be something that they haven’t thought to do in a while. One of the best Christmas gift ideas for newlyweds since it’s so unique!

3) A Personalized Pillow, To Be Showcased Everyday

This pillow is super thoughtful, and if I were in newlywed, I’d proudly show this off in my home everyday.


4) A Must Read Book

Let’s be real, a lot of guys may take one look at this book and roll their eyes. However, this New York Times bestseller is a hit for a reason, and is a great read for anyone. One of the best Christmas gift ideas for newlyweds due to its resourceful information!


5) This Hilarious Newlywed Survival Kit

This gift is yes, a joke, but definitely has some truth to it. The divorce rate is a higher then ever and a survival kit like the one below is filled with some (surprisingly) good words of advice, and shots of relief!

6) These Adorable Coffee Mugs

A small and sweet gesture is to gift some cute coffee mugs for the recently married couple. Each can sip their coffees in the morning reminiscing on the fact they’re now “Mr and Mrs.”


7) For The Newlyweds Who Like To Stay In

If the recently married couple enjoys quiet nights to themselves, then this is a great recipe book for them! With over 120 recipes to choose from, this book is definitely of the best Christmas gift ideas for newlyweds!

8) A Large Sign To Establish Their Stomping Grounds

Just in case no one’s aware of their last name, this sign will definitely set the tone. Perfect to be hung up in a living room, bedroom, office, or kitchen!


9) If They’re Big Drinkers

If your newlywed friends enjoy their beer and wine, then this is a fun decoration for them to put up in their home to establish their relationship, and drinking habits!

10) Or If They Both Love Wine

If your newlywed friends both enjoy their wine, then customize a bottle for them! Super cute, personal, and an easy idea. Definitely one of the best Christmas gift ideas for newlyweds!


11) Everyone Loves A Good Candle, Personalized

Candles are a gift that can keep on giving, so go ahead and grab them a candle with their own personal label on it!

12) Authoritative Hilarious Pillows To Mark their Side

If there’s any type of argument to be made when it comes to newlyweds who have just moved in together, it’s always about which side of the bed is whose. Now, you can help to make that argument easier with these funny pillows!

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13) These Super Comfortable Looking Crochet Slippers

I mean, these look super comfortable and I can’t see any couple saying no to some cozy slippers!

14)  If They’re Travelers

If the newlyweds you know love to travel, then grab them some matching passports! Passport cases are usually the last thing people think of to buy for themselves, and they’re super cute!


15) We Couldn’t Forget The Towels

The matching his and her towels have to be one of the most classic gifts, but probably one of the most needed! Don’t cross this off your list too soon and ask around to see if anyone else is getting the same thing!


What are some of your favorite Christmas gift ideas for newlyweds? Leave us a comment in the section below!


*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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