Categories: College Life

Choosing A College: The Pros And Cons Of Staying Local

Whether you are staying local or going out of state, college is an impactful and worth while experience. By putting yourself through college, you will open your mind to new intellectual information. College is one of the best choices you will make in your life. When it comes to deciding whether you want to stay local or out-of-state, it really depends on your situation.

Growing up in the city can either be a struggle or blessing. If you grew up in the city, I would recommend that you try to step out of your comfort zone and try something different. It is always good to get rid of the routine and try living in a different environment. Not only will you be challenging yourself but you will also be doing yourself a favor by exposing yourself to new ways of living and people.

When it’s the time for deciding whether you want to stay local or go out-of-state, there are some things that need to be taken into consideration. As a student, it is wise that you think about the pros and cons of staying local or not so as to make sure you are able to get the most out of your college experience, to ensure that you are able to focus on your school work and perform you best.

These are the following pros and cons of going out-of-state:


1. You get to experience something different.

A good indicator that you are meant to go out-of-state or to a different town for college is that you are bored with your local life. If you are simply not happy and bored with your local life and want a change then you should take a risk. If you are interested in knowing more about what is outside of your local town then you need to follow that gut instinct. Do not be afraid to wonder or think about what is outside of what you see every day. Do not see this as something that is bad but rather a virtue that you feel the need for something that is different.

2. You will have interesting stories to tell.

When you venture out of your local town, you experience moments that are not so perfect. You will get lost while trying to find a pharmacy or a store to buy clothes from. Or you will not be familiar with some local people, bands, or culture that will make things a bit frustrating. However, all these things will later make interesting stories to tell people.

See Also


1. You will miss your family and friends.

Family and friends are the closest and most beloved people in our lives. You won’t think that you will miss them as much but you most certainly will. Time will have its way and soon their memories will be on your mind. Of course, you will meet new people and make some friends but your closest friends are those that know you the most. It will be this familiarity and mutual appreciation that you will not have with people you just met.

2. Tuition might be higher.

Depending on whether you just to go to another city or if you actually want to go to another state, tuition might be higher. Due to housing and college tuition, it might cost you more if you do not go to college locally. However, like I said it really depends if money is a concern of your or not. Just be aware of those difference in tuition.

Deciding between staying local and moving elsewhere for college is an overwhelming decision. We hope this article may have helped you, and let us know what you decide in the comments!

Feature Image Source:
Esmeralda Medina

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