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10 Chill Celebrities We’d Love To Grab A Drink With (And 10 We Probably Wouldn’t)

10 Chill Celebrities We’d Love To Grab A Drink With (And 10 We Probably Wouldn’t)

10 Chill Celebrities We’d Love To Grab A Drink With (And 10 We Probably Wouldn’t)

Living in an age where celebrities are constantly highlighted on the internet for all the good (and bad) things they do, it’s becoming more and more difficult to decide who seems like they’re genuinely chill celebrities and who seems like they’d be awful to be around. At the end of the day, it can be hard to know which stories are true and which are more complicated than they seem, so it can be fun to sit around with friends debating which celebs would be fun to bring to the bar. Here’s our personal list of chill celebrities we’d love to grab a drink with, and who we probably wouldn’t want to hang out with.

1. Chris Evans

As far as chill celebrities go, Chris Evans seems like a genuinely fun guy. His interactions with fans and other celebrities are always being documented online, and I’ve yet to ever hear a bad thing about him. Plus, he was Captain America, and who wouldn’t want to grab a drink with “America’s ass.”

2. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

The Rock has always seemed like one of the chill celebrities to me, and the news of him only makes him more of an icon and a legend. He’s done a ton of work for charitable organizations like Make-A-Wish, and the video of him singing Maui’s famous song from “Moana” for a young boy battling cancer just gives him such a good vibe. I just want to grab a drink with him and hear his whole life story.


3. Lizzo

A list of chill celebrities wouldn’t be complete without Lizzo. Lizzo just seems like she’d know how to show you a good time, and she’s been shown online and on social media to be the best hype woman. I mean, if “Truth Hurts” isn’t you’re going-to-the-bar anthem, I don’t know what is. She’s known for her philosophies on self-love and self-care, and you just know she’d help you find the best going-out outfit.

4. LeBron James

For those looking for generous, chill celebrities to grab a drink with, LeBron James is well-known for his humble attitude and his extensive charity work, both through the LeBron James Family Foundation and his public school, the I Promise School. Plus, he’s not one to take himself too seriously and has made fun of himself on multiple movies and television appearances.

5. Michelle Obama

I don’t know who doesn’t have Michelle Obama on their list of chill celebrities to grab a drink with, but they should. Michelle Obama is an absolute ICON and has helped with countless charitable and nonprofit organizations. Plus, she just seems like she’d be so incredibly wise and know exactly what to say when you need advice.


6. Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves has shown on countless occasions that he’s one of the kindest, most generous, and just unquestionably chill celebrities out there. Fans have praised him on multiple occasions for his kind attitude when interacting with them, and he has been more than happy to give to numerous charities and people in need. Plus, you’d get to grab a drink with Ted from “Bill and Ted”–a personal bucket list experience of mine.

7. Anthony Stewart Head

For those ’90s babies who adored “Buffy,” I have good news: Anthony Stewart Head is just as kind and caring as he seems. While he did play some less than likable characters (Uther from “Merlin,” we’re looking at you), Anthony Stewart Head is reportedly deserving of a place on this list of chill celebrities, especially after he went out of his way to help a fan who had come out as transgender, even going so far as to invite him personally to Head’s farm for the day. So yes, we would love to grab a drink with Giles.

8. Gina Rodriguez

As for more chill celebrities that have gone above and beyond to help fans, Gina Rodriguez literally gave a fan the clothes off her back (kinda). When a fan tweeted that they would love to wear Rodriguez’s Golden Globes dress, Rodriguez sent her the dress she wore to the Globes in 2015. She’s just as much of a sweetheart in real life as she seems to be on “Jane the Virgin,” so she’d be top on our list for celebs to grab a drink with.


9. Jason Momoa

There are a couple reasons Jason Momoa makes it onto our list of chill celebrities to grab a drink with – he seems like he knows how to have a good time (all his off-screen interactions are full of fun, silly moments), he’s Facetimed young cancer patients as Aquaman, and he’s married to Liza Bonet, one of the coolest actresses and fashion icons. What more do you need?


10. Hayley Williams

To all my fellow scene and alternative kids, you’re in luck – Hayley Williams is well known online for being kind to fans and being open and unashamed about herself and her struggles, earning her a place on our list of chill celebrities. She just seems like she could have been your best friend in high school, and many fans have talked about how kind and sweet she was to meet in person.


Moving forward, here are some not-so chill celebrities that have been blasted online by fans and coworkers alike. While we know celebrities shouldn’t have to be on all the time (and we understand that not every fan experience can be positive), if you’ve been blasted by more people than we can count, at some point we have to assume you wouldn’t be a chill person, so we probably wouldn’t want to go to the bar with you.

1. Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Degeneres has been put on blast a lot recently for her rude attitude with both fans and employees alike, earning her a place on our list of not chill celebrities. She’s been called rude, presumptuous, and self-important–a real disappointment considering she was such an icon for the LGBTQ community.

2. Demi Lovato

I don’t know if anyone else has had this experience, but every time I turn around I feel like I hear some kind of drama coming from Demi Lovato, which is why they’re considered one of the least chill celebrities. They’re constantly complaining on Twitter, and both fans and coworkers have painted them as being rude and self-absorbed. If I don’t like grabbing drinks with my dramatic friends, I don’t think I’d want to go drinking with a drama-loving celeb.


3. Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire is pretty well known for being one of the not chill celebrities that you wouldn’t want to meet in real life. He once tried to get Molly Bloom, who worked running high-stakes poker games for the wealthy and well-known, to bark like a seal for a $1,000 poker chip. No thanks.

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4. Mel Gibson

I don’t know if I really need to explain why Mel Gibson is on the list of not chill celebrities, but he’s well-known online for his racist and anti-semitic statements. He’s also made many misogynistic remarks about how men and women aren’t equal, so we don’t really need any more proof that he wouldn’t be cool to grab a drink with.


5. Gwyneth Paltrow

As far as not chill celebrities go, Gwyneth Paltrow is well-known for being a huge diva and incredibly self-involved on set and out in the world. It’s even been claimed that Paltrow has someone clean her shower when she goes to the gym so that she doesn’t use “somebody else’s shower water.” Personally, I just don’t think it would be fun to hang out with someone that tightly wound.

6. DJ Khaled

DJ Khaled makes it onto the list of not chill celebrities for his incredibly misogynistic comments against women. He’s been incredibly open about his belief that women should praise men (“the Kings”) and said that there are “different rules” for women and men in relationships. Not a fun drinking buddy, in my opinion.

7. James Corden

Another one of the most disappointing not chill celebrities was James Corden. Corden, who has a reputation as being the happy-go-lucky, fun “Carpool Karaoke” host, is apparently incredibly self-absorbed and quick to use the “Do you know who I am” card. We don’t vibe with that energy, Mr. Corden.


8. Rihanna

Fashion icon Rihanna is beautiful and talented, but she’s also earned a spot on the not chill celebrities list for her treatment of fans both online and at her concerts. Not only has she hit a fan on the head with her microphone during a concert, but she’s also jumped on Twitter to make fun of fan outfits that were designed to be similar to hers.

9. Patrick Dempsey

Patrick Dempsey, or “McDreamy,” has earned his place on this list of not chill celebrities not only for his treatment of fans but also for his attitude on set. He has been rude to the other members of the cast and crew on multiple occasions, and Shonda Rhimes, the creator of “Grey’s Anatomy,” literally started a “no a**holes policy” after her experience working with Dempsey.

10. Kiefer Sutherland

Kiefer Sutherland is considered one of the least chill celebrities both by fans and by fellow celebrities, who have said working with him was awful and that he is incredibly unprofessional. Sutherland has also had many issues with alcohol and the law, but has stated on multiple occasions that he won’t quit drinking no matter what he does. He sounds exactly like that friend we all have who gets drunk and messy in a very bad way, and that’s not what we’re looking for when we want a chill night at the bar.


Do you know of other chill celebrities that we might want to grab or drink with (or some we might not)? Tell us in the comments!

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