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20 Child’s Games You Can Turn Into Drinking Games

20 Child’s Games You Can Turn Into Drinking Games

When you’re bored and looking for something to do, you may not think about turning children’s games into drinking games. Well…..I did. Here are 20 of my favorite.

Chutes and Ladders

You can play this game with up to four people. (At least that’s how many characters you’re given, but I suppose you could have as many as you want, as long as it’s within reason and you all fit on the board.) 

So, every time your opponent gets to go up a ladder, everyone else drinks. When you have to go down a slide, you have to drink. Still stick with the winner is the first person to get to square 100. 


Hungry, Hungry Hippo

This game can be played with up to 4 people. 

There are several ways you can do this one. For the first one, the person who ends up with the yellow ball gets to choose one of their opponents to chug a drink. The second way is to have the person who ends up with the most white balls pick one person to chug. The third is to have the person with the least amount of white balls drink.



Each time one of your opponents buys a property, you have to take a drink. Every time one of you passes Go, everyone else has to take a drink. If someone ends up in jail, they have to take a drink after each opponent turn until they get out of jail. If anyone succeeds in getting all the properties of one color, the rest of the players have to finish their game. 


For this one, go around the board twice. It makes the game last a little bit longer, so you get more fun out of it. Each time you pass someone, they have to take a drink. Each time one of you gets home, all of your opponents have to finish their drink. Each time someone gets knocked out of their spot, they have to finish their drink.


Just like with Sorry!, go around the board two times. Play with the same rules as Sorry!


Candy Land

Oh, I love this one. There is no more innocent game than Candyland, so turning it into a drinking game is fairly amusing to me. 

Each time someone gets a double colored card, everyone else has to take a drink. If you lose a turn, you have to take a drink. If you get to go up Rainbow Trail, or Gumdrop Pass, the other players need to drink. The winner gets to choose one player to finish their full drink.


Every time someone plays a ‘face card’ on you (reverse, skip, draw, etc.) you have to take a drink. If you have to draw because you have no cards of the playable color or number, you have to take one drink for each card drawn. If someone is called out for not calling Uno! when they have one card left, they have to finish their drink. The winner gets to pick one player of their choosing to finish their drink.



Numbers are hard when you start adding alcohol, which will make this one of the more fun drinking games.

Each time someone finishes a stack, everyone else has to take a drink. Each time someone misses playing the card on their home stack, they have to take a drink. The first person to empty their home stack gets to choose one person to finish their drink.


For each player that gets 3 in a row, they can pick one other player to drink. If they get four, they get to choose two. Whoever wins gets to decide if they’re going to make everyone take a drink or just one person of their choosing.



If you jump someone once, they take a drink. If you jump them twice, they take two, so on and so forth with the number of jumps. If you manage to end up with a king, the other player has to finish their drink.


This one can get really sloppy, really fast. When someone successfully pulls a block out, the other players have to take a drink. If someone successfully pulls a block out that leaves only the middle block to balance the tower, everyone else has to take two drinks. The winner gets to pick one person to finish their drink.


This one was a little harder to turn into a drinking game. But here’s what I’ve got. Each time you have a bucket with enough stones to end your turn in your home slot, the other person has to take a drink. If you manage to steal one of their buckets of stones, they have to take a drink. Loser has to polish off whatever is left of their drink.


Connect 4

This game is going to take a few rounds for any alcohol to take effect.

If you get two in a row, and the other player blocks you, you take two drinks. If you get three, and they block you, you have to take three drinks. Loser finishes off their full drink.


Guess Who

Fun pre-game idea! Replace all the stock photos with photos of family and friends. 

Start off with one extra rule. Each player has to predict how many guesses it will take them to figure out who your player is. Once they’ve hit that mark, if they still haven’t guessed it, they have to take one drink for each question over their guess. If it takes more than five, they have to take two drinks per question asked.


Much like Jenga, this is one of the drinking games that can get really sloppy, really fast. 

See Also
Whether it was that last shot or mixed drink that sent you over the edge, we all have been there.This is how to recover the morning after blacking out!

Every time one of the players misses, they have to take a drink. Each time they hit your ship, you have to take a drink.


This game is a RIOT when people start getting a little tipsy. Funny faces are made, hand-eye coordination starts to decline and, more often than not, tongues start to hang out in concentration.


Every time someone hits the side and sets the buzzer off, they have to drink. If someone successfully pulls a body part out, everyone else has to drink.


The easiest one on this list of drinking games is super simple. One player at a time takes their turn. If they lose, they have to finish their drink. Play three rounds.



Each time you miss a match, you have to drink. The player with the most matches at the end wins (as you know) will pick one other player who has to finish their drink.

Go Fish



For each straw that is removed successfully, the other players have to take a drink. Whoever ends up with the most straws gets to choose one person to finish their drink. Whoever ends up making the first ball crash has to drink. The person with the most balls has to drink. 


Everyone should be good and sloshed after a round or two of this game!

Do you have any additional games to add to our list? Let us know in the comments and tell us how to play!

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