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Cheap Tech For College Students That You Should Buy ASAP

Cheap Tech For College Students That You Should Buy ASAP

When shopping for any type of college, something that we never think about is the tech that you’ll need to succeed during the school year! With these products you’ll never have to buy it again for the rest of the time you’re in college. These product will do just that and more!

1. 2019 iPad

This new release in the Apple world has brought a new affordable option for college students who want the latest and greatest. This new iPad comes in at a whopping 10.2 inch retina display. This is the largest screen in a base model. Apple now has added support for a keyboard, costing $159, and Apple Pencil, costing $99, making this a great portable machine for productivity and school work.

There are two different storage sizes and three different colors to choose from: 32GB and 128GB with colors in Space Gray, Sliver, and Gold. This new basic iPad has the most important features of the iPad Pro but for reasonable cost, coming in at $329 (32GB) and $429 (128GB). This iPad comes with the option of cellular costing $459 to $559 depending on the storage you get with for it. Click here to find out more about the new iPad Air!


2. Amazon Echo

There are so many options when looking for a when looking into the Amazon Echo. If you want something small and out of the way, the Echo Dot is a great affordable tech solution coming in at $49.99. These are great for students who like the look at a traditional clock, but want all of the feature of a reliable smart speaker.

There is a regular Echo option for those who want great speaker quality with all the function of Alexa which costs $99.99. You’ll love this tech solution if you need a little more than just an alarm or your phone during the day. This is a great hands free option. Click here for the Echo and here for the Echo Dot!


3. Google Home 

A little similar to the Amazon Echo, but has google assistant instead of Amazon having Alexa. This is great for people who have a phone with google assistant because it is the same thing. Google Assistant takes answer from google while Alexa can’t. There are option when looking into the type of Google Home that would be best for you.

The best value for the Google Home’s are the regular one, coming in at $99, and the mini, at $49. If you are looking for something that is smaller, the mini is a great option. Click here to look at the mini! If you don’t mind the bigger speaking, the regular Google Home is great as well. Click here to look at the bigger Google Home!


4. MacBook Air 

If you are a Mac user, the latest MacBook Air is a great upgrade. This product is normally $1,099 for the base model, but can often be found on sale at places like BestBuy or Costco. This great machine comes in three colors; Space Gray, Gold, and Silver. This is one of the most affordable MacBook for Apple to date. 

Although this MacBook won’t be doing heavy video editing or gaming, this is great for the everyday college students who just needs it for homework and online browsing. Click here for a great deal!


5. Surface Go

This light and extremely portable 2-in-1 that doesn’t have a lot of power but enough for students who are not really doing much on a laptop anyway. This is great for those who need a smaller portfolio to put on a desk with a notebook or something that is just small in general. This 2-in-1 costs $399, but if you want the keyboard, you’ll have to buy that separately which is $129.99.

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If you are the type of student who seems to do a lot at once, this won’t be your go-to device. But if you are looking for something that’s great for taking notes, writing emails, all of the light stuff you tend to do most often; then this is the tech solution for you. Click here to buy!

6. New Inspiron 15 3000-AMD 

This new extremely affordable and portable Dell laptop is great for college students who want the benefits of a powerful system. This machine has a powerful processor, good memory, and lots of fast storage. This mean no matter what you throw at it, it will be able to run fast without any slowdowns. A base model price for this machine is $549.99!


This machine is also great for the technologically inclined user! You have the ability to upgrade ram and storage if you ever needed more performance. By doing these upgrades you can have performance of a $1,000 laptop for a little more than $650. This machine is a great option for college who want this computer to last longer than just college! Click here to see more about this great computer!

7. 32 Inch TCL Roku Smart TV

This very inexpensive and lightweight TV that is great for those four years of college. This TV makes moving between housing and home a simple task because of how light it is. With 32inches and 720p HD, this Roku TV has a nice sharp picture. With Roku being built in, all you need to do plug in the TV and connect it to your schools internet.

You can access Roku free TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime video, Spotify, Comcast Stream, YouTube TV, and many more applications! These are all at the touch of a button. For only $138 this TV is a must for any dorm room or on campus apartment. This tech is great for students who don’t want to spend a fortune on expensive TVs, but want something that is worth the money! Click here so find out more about this great deal!


It’s hard to find deals that are actually worth the money. These tech solutions are great for not only college, but the real world! Having the latest and greatest has never been easier! Do you have any of these products or are looking to get one? Tell us in the comments below!