Cheap Healthy Foods That Are More Affordable Than You’d Think

Here are some of the cheap, healthy foods that are more affordable than you’d think. They are great to taste, continually buy, and are cheaper alternatives to many choices. Packed with so many great nutritional benefits and various craveable dishes to be served in, you’ll love to always have them around!
One of the cheapest and most accessible supermarket fruits for healthy living is definitely bananas. They are high in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants like vitamin C. To support a healthy heart and have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, eat these high-fiber fruits. Supporting a high fiber diet has actually been shown to help heart health more than a low fiber diet. They can also keep you feeling more full for longer, supporting weight loss and exercise goals.
One to two bananas a day can be really beneficial to your overall health and weight goals, keeping your diet well rounded. Too much of any one food, bananas included, can potentially end up doing actual harm, contributing to weight gain and a deficiency of valuable nutrients. One to two bananas a day is considered a moderate intake for most healthy individuals. An average diet of these cheap, healthy foods can also control your blood sugar levels and are best eaten in the mornings, afternoons, and before workouts. Avoid eating at night for proper digestion.
These are one of those fruits that is actually good for you to make a habit of eating every day. They are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6 as well as riboflavin, folate, magnesium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. These foods are definitely one of the good fats you should have often! The best part is how cheap they are to purchase and are definitely one of the least rare and most accessible fruits you can find. They are great for helping fill you and keep you feeling full just like bananas. Healthy, moisturized skin can also result from regular avocado intake.
While you’re out in the sun, you can also know that avocados can also protect against sun damage and help to relax and soothe muscles for that perfect beach lay-out vibe. On top of all that, avocados are also very heart-healthy, loaded with fiber, and help lower cholesterol. They actually contain even more potassium than bananas, meaning more help with your muscle contractions, nerve signals, and preventing osteoporosis, strokes, and kidney stones! The water retention more possible with avocados also helps hydration and overall energy levels.
What goes great with all meat proteins, tofu, seafood, sandwiches, and endless other dinner combinations? Lettuce can be used in the most varied ways of a lot of supermarket cheap, healthy foods you could buy. It lasts well, stays in good condition, and is readily available year-round! One of the cheapest ways to stay healthy on a budget is to go with food like lettuce to make hand-made salads. They can also provide a great opportunity for a variety of additional foods for your salad, making them more to your taste, and providing endless new experiences.
On top of these cheap, endless salad options, lettuce itself is also very diverse with many different types which are all really nutritious and in this way available no matter where you live. On top of some of the similar fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical benefits of other cheap, healthy foods, lettuce is very low in calories. It also has vitamin B which is great for making and repairing DNA cells, and vitamin K for bone strength and health. Romaine lettuce is a particularly great lettuce and one of the best super greens along with kale and spinach.
Few things can beat the prices of oatmeal at the store and the sheer amount of health benefits from even just a cup a day make this easily found food a definite cheap, healthy food to consider making a regular purchase of. Oatmeal contains the fiber needed for great digestive health, one cup of oats containing about 4 grams of fiber. It is also easy and affordable to add in fruits and nuts for even more fiber for your buck. Making your own oatmeal at home from store-bought oats can also be cheaper and more healthy than single-serving pre-packaged oatmeal.
Many store-bought oatmeal packages can have greatly increased amounts of sugars. Steel-cut oats for optimal blood sugar control and are slightly higher in fiber than rolled or quick oats. Slow-cooked oatmeal can be reheated without losing its nutritional benefits while possessing the same nutrition as quick-cooking oatmeal. For more flavor but higher cooking time, stick with oats over oatmeal. It continues to be cheaper and more accessible overall than oatmeal. Oats are among one of the healthiest grains as a gluten-free whole grain that are good in 1 serving a day.
One of the cheapest healthy foods that may be more known but is definitely helpful to always keep in mind and in your fridge is eggs. They are a staple of many baking, protein, and breakfast recipes and dishes and last a good amount of time before expiring. One of the cheapest ways to purchase and maintain food is to lean into foods that can last a good amount of time before spoiling, but still lack as many harmful preservatives as many less natural other supermarket products. Eggs are also one of the best and most accessible forms of protein.
Eggs can be bought in large bulk for ultimate cheapness and convenience and can be eaten up to 3 a day for ideal health and nutrient benefits. Good cholesterol such as that gained from eggs is referred to as high-density lipoprotein and helps remove other worse forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream. They can lower your risk of heart disease, absorb cholesterol and carry it back to the liver for removal. Poached or boiled are among the healthiest ways to consume eggs as shorter and lower-heat cooking can cause less cholesterol oxidation, retaining nutrients.
Carrots are another great, easy-to-pick-up snack you can find almost anywhere. Always remember that despite accessibility and temptation, baby carrots actually cost more on average than regular carrots. You just need a little more preparation size to get the cheaper large carrots down to a similar snackable size! Regular carrots are also more healthy than baby carrots, having around 30% more beta carotene, which the body translates into vitamin A. Use regularly for more product that is cheaper and healthier than its unnatural competitor.