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Cheap Halloween DIY

Cheap Halloween DIY

Halloween doesn’t have to break the bank.  If you’re not crafty, there are some great on already made costumes… If you’re feeling a little crafty, below are some easy, DIY costumes that will for sure get you and you friends some attention on one of the best nights in College.


The Old Spice Guy-


not so much for the ladies but for the ladies at the same time. This has got to be one of the easiest DIY costumes for any guy out there not afraid to show off his pecs.  Everything on him you probably already have , just throw it together and call it a day!

Group costumes are probably what is most fun about college. You can get really creative and most times they are really inexpensive. Here are a few that I have seen first handed that me or my friends have done throughout the year that haven’t very much and were very simple to throw together. Get your goods at Walmart and get 4% cash back in your pocket at the same time.


7 Deadly sins –

This is a really fun group costume. Usually (what I have seen) each girl dresses up as one of the sins and then everyone has a coordinating sash to identify which sin they are. In case you aren’t up to speed with your sins they are : Lust,  envy,  greed,  wrath,  pride, sloth, and gluttony. This one you could DIY yourself or checkout these highly discounted  stores for props and other accessories to make your costume more believable.



How appropriate is this costume in college for Halloween? Instead of doing different flavors of the same brand of alcohol, I’ve seen people do different kinds of alcohol all together, like beer, wine, champagne, vodka, rum etc., etc.  These are easy to put together with fabric from your local fabric store and easy fabric printout transfer that you can print anything on the iron onto your fabric.  You don’t even need to sew , just cut slits in the back and tie both sides all the way up your back. You can get fabric and the transfer paper at Walmart as well.

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Cereal Killer-


Not to generalize here, but what guy doesn’t live off of cereal in college when their meal plan starts running low?  Easy DIY, practically free costume for anyone who can scavenge or save cereal boxes and glue or tape them to an old shirt. Genius!



For all you aspiring teachers out there, made similarly to how the pinnacle costumes were made, except this time they were pinned on the side and the girls used sharpie markers (or black pieces of fabric, glued onto the colorful fabric) to make the detail. So cute!