15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near Mississippi State University

We’re all working on a college budget. Unless you have a very good job or very generous parents, you aren’t rolling in the dough. So, when you want to take out that beautiful girl you saw walking across the Drill Field every day for a semester before talking to her, here are some extremely cheap but fun date ideas near Mississippi State University.
1. Skate Odyssey
Turn off of Highway 12 onto Louisville Street. There is this warehouse with a giant Sk8 on it. That warehouse is where to go on a Thursday night. It’s College Night!! College Night is amazing. It’s $5 per person and that includes skate rental! The DJ there will play just about anything that you want. Plus if she doesn’t know how to skate, you get to have your girl hold on tight to you.
2. Breakfast at the Biscuit Shop
Who doesn’t love breakfast? If you’ve lived in Starkville long enough, you know who the Biscuit Lady is. She makes all her biscuit from scratch and they’re amazing!! Biscuits range from about $1.00-$2.00 each. And you only need maybe one or two to get filled up. Grab a few cups of coffee, bring over a warm blanket and a movie and you have an awesome breakfast date that doesn’t break the bank.
If you’re not from here, you might be confused about why everyone makes such a big deal about such a small place. But Starkville is known for out small places.
3. Stromboli’s Date
Speaking of small places, there is a tiny little place around Downtown Starkville that has the best pizza in StarkVegas! But, the best date idea with this is the spontaneous kind. Go right after the lunch rush on a Tuesday. There’s no line and everything comes out super quick. Grab a pizza and an order of cookie dough bites and your date will for sure ask for a second. But if you can’t make the conversation, it might just be a second of cookie dough bites.
4. Starkville Café Pancake Date
If you don’t like biscuits for some crazy reason, there are always pancakes! Starkville Café is the best in town. I can vouch for this being an awesome breakfast date. Everything moves pretty slow paced, therefore, you have plenty of time to talk. Plus, full stacks of pancakes are $6 and trust me you won’t need any more than that. So, If you want to eat plenty of carbs, have a long conversation, and look at all the old memorabilia that Starkville Café offers then go and enjoy.
5. Rick’s Café Date
If you’ve lived in Starkville for more than a weekend, you know what Rick’s Café is. What a lot of people do not know is that Rick’s isn’t just a Friday and Saturday night place. If you’re like me and Thursday classes don’t start until noon, then Wednesday nights at Rick’s is perfect for you because…. KARAOKE! Yes, Rick’s on a Wednesday night is the perfect place to make an absolute fool of yourself or laugh at that same drunk guy who comes every week and hogs the mic for a solid 45 minutes. You can grab a beer (21+ please) and shoot some pool also if your singing hurts people’s ears. Boom! Super easy date and Bonus! … No cover on Wednesday nights!
This is an actual picture taken by the owner one night! This should be enough to excite you.
6. Starkville Festivals
Starkville is helping us out with the fun date ideas. The city itself offers plenty of opportunities to go out into the District or Main Street and see local artists and try food. They put everything online here. You can see what you and your date like to do and then find a festival or event that goes with your interest. This way, you can get a date for an event that is during the day and just walking around together can be the perfect time to learn something you never knew about your date. These festivals usually have music or entertainment and food trucks so you can try something completely new together.
7. The Library has Museums?
Yes. The library has a ton of different museums in the library that are pretty cool. Students get to see everything for free too! The only downside is that they’re closed on the weekends. But an afternoon exploration on a Friday could be pretty fun.
Okay! So if you have gone to school at state for any period of time you learn that our SA and Music Makers ROCKK!!! They work together throughout the year to bring us the best concerts around if FREE!! Or maybe like $5 but that’s pretty reasonable! So, every year there is Bulldog Bash! This is a free concert night in the Cotton District where SA has brought us some pretty awesome people! There is also the Old Main Music Festival in the spring that has some great bands from around Mississippi! Then, there is Super Bulldog Weekend! This one is a little trickier if you’re not a Greek student but it is so doable! Just get on the list and bam! Free awesome concert from bands and rappers from all over!
9. MSU Rose Garden
So, if you are going for the super sweet kind of date here for someone who is more than just the girl who you met that one time at Cowbells, the rose garden during the springtime is where it’s at. It’s right off of Highway 182 headed towards Columbus. This school can do a few things extremely well. One of them is growing roses. Grab a basket and some food from Kroger and take her out there for a beautiful and romantic picnic. It’s completely free to go to and the only rule is that you can’t pick the roses, which is a pretty easy thing in return for the beautiful setting.
10. Sporting Events
Mississippi State University knows how to do sports. If it is fall, it’s football and that’s super easy to bring your date to. Since students buy their football tickets in August for like $50, the hard part is over. All you have to do now is invite her/him to be your game day date or to come hangout at your tailgate. Then you go in together and cheer the Bulldogs on to another win over Ole Miss!!
If it’s the spring, you have every spring sport you can think of to take him/her to. Our Diamond Dawgs over at Dudy Noble are reigning SEC Champs and the Left-Field Lounge has never seem so much action on a random Tuesday. Just grab your person and head over to watch the Diamond Dawgs reign on. And if you aren’t a big fan of baseball (blasphemy on this campus but okay) then the Women’s Basketball and Men’s Basketball teams are on fire. With the Women’s regular season record for the 2016-2017 season being 27-3 who could ask for a more hype place to laugh and yell and maybe get a free t-shirt.