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15 Cheap Date Ideas Near UC

15 Cheap Date Ideas Near UC

Here are some affordable date ideas for those of you at UC. Get a romantic night with your bae for an affordable price and have fun!
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Nothing says romance like meeting each other on the University of Cincinnati campus. Whether you met at the latest frat party, football game or RHA meeting, here are 15 date ideas for you two to do in the next few weeks at UC:

1) Romantic Dinner at Dewey’s Pizza near UC.

What says high-class like gourmet pizza? Treat your date to a delicious pizza dinner just a mile from campus and try not to miss Market Pointe too much.

2) Visit Calhoun’s 13th Floor.

Ranked one of the best views on campus, venturing to the 13th floor of Calhoun Residence Hall will be worth the climb up all those flights.


3) Picnic on the Herman-Schneider Quadrangle.

People-watch after class as you enjoy lunch in the sun at this quaint green space.

4) Hammock on Sigma Sigma Commons.

Grab your ENO hammocks and find the perfect lounging spot on the trees at the Sigma Sigma Commons Park.


5) Buy tickets to the next soccer game.

Free admission at the Gettler Stadium is the perfect opportunity to take out your date on a budget. Try and out cheer each other during the match.

6) Plan a Night In.

Visit their residence hall for a movie, Cards Against Humanity and ramen noodle night. Make it a group date and invite a few mutual friends to play, too.

7) Check out the new Target on Calhoun Street and go shopping for your room.

Try not to spend your entire paycheck on room decor and bedding at this new mini-Target with your date as your second opinion.


8) Attend a UC Women’s Rugby Match.

What’s more adventurous than watching a sport you’ve never heard of? Check out the UCWRFC in their upcoming season and maybe even buy some matching apparel.

9) See what Hall Government is planning in your Residence Hall.

You know your date likes midnight pancakes just as much as you do, so why not invite them?

10) See a movie at the Esquire on Ludlow.

Shuttle down to the Esquire to catch the a unique local film after dinner.


11) Go to Drunken Bento.

Ranked the best sushi spot on campus, Drunken Bento is the number one cure for late night cravings for sushi and has awesome vegetarian options, too!

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12) Plan a study date.

Big exam tomorrow in anatomy but don’t wanna cancel on your date?  Invite him to Langsam Library and share a study room together. Don’t worry- there’s a brand new Starbucks inside in case you’re out too late.

13) Test your soccer skills at Nippert Stadium.

Since Nippert is open to the public, you can challenge your date to a one-on-one soccer match after the football team goes home for the night. First one to score buys dinner!

14) Get involved in a club together.

You met each other in your engineering learning community? Perfect. Join the Engineers Without Borders club and attend the first meeting together.


15) Rent a Cincinnati Red Bike and ride around the city together.

Ride to the coffee shop you always wanted to go to in OTR together. Safe and environmentally friendly way to get around town.


Can you think of any other cheap dates to go on near UC?! Comment below!
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