10 Cheap Date Ideas That Are Still Thoughtful

Cheap dates can be the most thoughtful dates. Cheap dates are usually one on one, focused on getting to know each other more. Here are 10 cheap date ideas that are still thoughtful.
1.) Indoor Movie Night.
Movie tickets plus movie food can cost you minimum $30 dollars, only to put up with random peoples inconveniences during the movie. You can easily set up your own indoor movie night in your bedroom or living room. All you need to do it put pillows and blankets down in front of the TV screen with Netflix, turn off all the lights and have popcorn and candy from the grocery store on stand by. This creates a cozy and warm one on one environment, showing your partner that you care. Bonus, all you spent was maximum $10 dollars on the candy and popcorn for a cheap date idea that is sure to get you cuddles!
2.) DIY Fancy Dinner.
Instead of going to a fancy restaurant where you will most likely pay $45 dollars minimum. Cook your own dinner and create a nice table set up in your dinning room. You can never go wrong with an Italian dinner, its simple and a top food favorite for most. Pasta, tomato or alfredo sauce, bread, and ground beef is all you need to buy at the grocery store. Then just set up your dinning room table with a cloth, the plats set, and some candles for mood lighting and wait for your date to arrive. With this you can make a nice, simple, cheap date idea.
3.) Star Gazing.
Nothing is more romantic than looking up at the stars side by side with your significant other. For this cheap date idea all you need is a clear summer night sky, car, and a blanket. If you are lucky enough to live in a house with a good view of the stars, you can go on your roof of the house or right outside on the porch to watch. If not, you can drive to the nearest hill (usually in a park or trail) to set up the blanket on the floor to sit and watch. This romantic, cheap date idea will cost nothing (unless you want to count the gas you used to drive to the star gazing spot).
4.) Park Fun.
Unleash your inner child by going to the nearest park to run around and be care free like kids again. For first dates this will allow you and your significant other to relax and be yourselves around each other. This cheap date idea will cost virtually nothing, but bring a couple dollars just in case an ice cream truck comes by.
5.) Picnic.
You can never go wrong with a classic picnic. All you have to do is pack a lunch like you would for a child for you and your date and take them to a park to sit, talk, and eat. You will most likely have sandwich ingredients already in your house so all you would need to buy is the drink and basket if you don’t have them already. This could cost about $5 dollars in total. A great classic cheap date idea.
6.) Paint Night.
For the artsy couple or those who just want to try something new, paint night is a fun cheap thoughtful date idea. You can buy a canvas, paint, and brushes at your local craft store for a grand total of about $20 dollars. This cheap date idea will have you and your partner getting closer through art.
7.) Museum.
Some Museums you pay by donation, so a dollar for you and your date and you are in a beautiful museum filled with art, history, and romance. This cheap date idea is a chance to show off your interest in history and to get to know your partner on an intellectual level.
8.) Parades/Festivals.
There will be plenty of summer festivals and parades to choose from in your home town that can be free. This cheap date idea is great for the couple who likes to be around crowds and loud music. You may even make new friends in the crowd while your there.
9.) Beach day.
Nothing beats relaxing on the beach with your partner. This relaxing cheap date idea can easily be one of the best summer days of both of your lives. You can swim, tan, and play in the sand all while spending about $20 dollars for parking and food. Don’t forget your sunscreen and towels!
10.) Snow day.
You and your partner can make snow angels, build snow men, and have snow ball fights all for free! This cheap date idea gets you and your partner in a healthy competition with the reward of snuggles inside the warm house afterwords.