Cheap Copper Kitchen Accessories From Amazon That Are Cute AF

I’ve gotta tell you, even if copper wasn’t on trend right now, I would absolutely still be decorating my kitchen this way. Seriously, I know chefs love their uniform stainless steel look and whatever, but why adhere to the norm? Your kitchen could be so much more fun with a little copper thrown into the mix! Bright and shiny… and still totally functional! If you don’t already have your copper pots and pans set, find one here. Otherwise, look no further for the all the additional accessories. You’ll have to forgive me, I went a little nuts thinking of all the adorable things that I need to stock my kitchen with! Check out these chic copper kitchen accessories that will add a little something extra to your kitchen.
Copper Measuring Set
Everyone needs a set of measuring cups and spoons, so why not make it a copper set? These copper kitchen accessories will add some diversification and color to your kitchen space.
Copper Knife Set
A good knife set is important for any kitchen – chopping fruits, meats, and bread. This copper set is on the low end of the price range. Why settle for boring knives when these copper beauties could be functional and flashy?
Copper Canisters
Flour, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar… all of them are important for a basic stocked kitchen. With these copper canisters, your kitchen will be far from basic! These copper kitchen accessories add warm tones and storage space.
Copper Kitchenware Set
How would you make any of your meals without a basic set of utensils? A whisk, a can opener, a peeler…this set gives you the basics of what you need in an excellent copper combo!
Copper Wine and Can Opener
Don’t pretend like you’ve never struggled to open a bottle of wine before… Personally, I still can’t open a wine bottle even with an opener. The good news is, this copper opener is so stylish that no one will notice you struggle excessively!
Copper Utensils Holder
All utensils need a home, and utensils as great as those shouldn’t be shut up in a dark, boring drawer. Let them shine out in the open!
Copper Fruit Bowl
A perfect addition to your dining room table, this fruit bowl will draw so much of your attention that you’ll be begging to eat your fruit!
Copper Shakers
Speaking of great additions to your dining room table, look at these copper salt and pepper shakers! Not only do they look amazing, but grinding your own salt and pepper is actually supposed to be better for you! All of these copper kitchen accessories are useful items for your kitchen space.
Copper Napkin Holder
To match your salt and pepper shakers… a beautifully made copper napkin holder!
Copper Flatware
Make your food with copper, eat your food with copper…I am loving this set of copper flatware!
Copper Sink Accessories
As much fun as making all different kinds of food is, cleaning up after yourself is the inevitable chore. You can make it a little easier on yourself though, with these super cute accessories: a soap dispenser, a kitchen sink caddy, and a dish rack!
Copper Bar Accessories
One last item to make your kitchen complete… okay two. Stop spending all of your money out when you could host your own cocktail parties with a complete bar-tending kit and set of copper moscow mule mugs! These copper kitchen accessories are stylish entertaining ware.
Which of these copper kitchen accessories are you going to try? Let us know in the comments below.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.