7 Cheap But High Quality Nail Polish Brands

High quality nail polish can be hard to come by, especially if you don’t want to break the bank. Some nail polishes have a fast dry time, while others chip so easily. We’ve put some nail polish brands to the ultimate test to see which ones are actually worth buying and is what we found.
1. Revlon
You’re are probably familiar with this brand, seeing as they have a makeup line too. Personally, I have always been a fan of Revlon, because they are reliable. When applying this nail polish, you only need one coat (depending on your personal preference) for it to look great. The price of this product is roughly $6, so, it’s a good deal. To purchase this product, head on over to Walmart.
2. Salon Perfect
This nail polish brand has an array of vibrant colors that suit any occasion. You might be familiar with this brand’s beauty line of lashes, brows, nails, and accessories, so, if you love this brand of nail polish, you’ll love what else they have to offer. When applying this nail polish, you need two coats for it to leave a lasting finish. The price of this product is roughly $4. To purchase this product, head on over to Salon Perfect.
3. L.A Colors
L.A Colors is a nail polish brand will be your go-to for all of your nail needs. They have a host of colors and before you know it, you’ll be using all of them. As advertised, this nail polish brand will last you up to 10 days. When applying this nail polish, you need two coats or more for guaranteed results. To purchase this product, head on over to L.A. Colors.
4. Insta-Dry
This brand is a variation of the popular nail polish brand, Sally Hansen, so this is a brand that you can trust. The dry time for this nail polish is fast and the finish is shiny. When applying this nail polish, you need at least one coat of this polish to achieve the desired look. To purchase this product, head on over to Sally Hansen.
5. Sinful Shine
Sinful Shine is a top-notch nail polish brand that you may or may not be familiar with. This nail polish brand has an array of colors that are perfect for summer. To price of this product is roughly $2, so it’s a steal! When applying this nail polish, you need at least two coats, in order to achieve the ultimate look. To purchase this product, head on over to Walmart.
6. O.P.I
This is one of the most popular nail polish brands out there; it’s in every nail salon and every store, making it an easy find. O.P.I is a high quality nail brand and the price of this product is reasonable. When applying this nail polish, you need at least two coats for a satisfactory finish. To purchase this product, head on over to O.P.I.
7. Water Colors – Color Club
Honestly, I never used to care for this brand, but after trying it out, I recommend it. This brand of nail polish has a unique set of colors that not many brands carry. The price of this product is relatively cheap, with it being roughly $6. When applying this nail polish, you will need more than one coat to achieve a solid look and finish. To purchase this product, head on over to Walmart.